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Borland 人事異動



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-02-03 16:57:08 IP:202.168.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
轉貼: 聽說delphi首席設計師Chuck Jazdzewski 離開borland了: http://www.delphibbs.com/delphibbs/dispq.asp?lid=2423668 去年剛剛升任Borland CTO的Blake Stone終于也要離開Borland了! http://borland.blogger.cn/rainxx Blake Stone和Chuck J 離開了Borland而去了Microsoft. 看到這消息直覺的震驚、同時真替Borland感到難過啊、可以說,沒有他就不會有JBuilder的今天、更重要的是他還很年輕、一直以來都把Blake Stone看做一種精神的象徵、一頭飄逸的長頭髮、看上去非常親切的臉、似乎在告訴你:他又將要給程式世界帶來什麽、一份神秘的禮物、但你永遠不會懂得那是什麽。這種奇怪的感覺曾經有一段時間讓自己下定决心要去翻翻Java、對、我想那就是象燈塔一樣的東西、可是莫非如今我要把航綫轉向微軟的陣地?鬼知道我曾多麽討厭微軟!或許應該爲Blake Stone感到幸興吧、微軟會有屬于他的更大的舞臺、只是已經對Borland日益失望中!! 轉貼:http://expert.csdn.net/Expert/Forum.asp 現在應該可以解釋爲什麽d8的win32部分沒升級了 原來主創人員想溜... 李維: 上星期6在香港時便知道了Blake Stone離開Borland的消息, 沒想到這麽快就出現在Forum上, 想不說這個消息也不行了. 我想不是Borland不吸取歷史的教訓,而是形勢比人强, 爲什麽? JBuilderX的確已經是一個非常棒的IDE, 但是在我的心目中仍然有很多需要攸做的東西, 在我的眼光中JBuiulderX必須rasing the bar才能够擺脫Open Source的糾纏,但我不是Borland R&D的人, 因此我無法做任何的决定, 我也不贊成JBuilder從7.0之後的市場策略, 其實現在的狀况已經開始證明我當初的眼光是正確的, 也許日後我會把這些再整理成東西發表出來. Blake Stone離開Borland不是因爲Borland不好, 而是金錢的力量太大, 我不知我現在可不可以再說的更詳細. 至于Chuck是否也離開了Borland我目前不知道, 這我要問問, 因爲我沒有收到這個消息. 許多VP紛紛離職在我眼中覺得沒有什麽, 因爲我早就覺得一些VP很糟糕, 早就應該走了, 特別是一些把産品搞得亂七八糟的VP早該被Fire, 如果我是Borland的CEO可能早在去年初就把這些人Fire了. 這些人走了我的評價是正向的. 唉, 其實我爲Borland工作是因爲我喜歡Borland, 我願意爲Borland而戰, 一個人可以每天早上醒來就很想上班又有薪水可以拿我覺得是很幸福的了, 我爲Borland拒絕了很多次的好機會, 因爲我喜歡我目前做的事. 你要我給大家一個說法聽起來我很像是Borland很重要的人物一樣, 我說了其實現在Borland的技術人員位階很低, 呵呵, 我只是喜歡挺身而戰, 事實上我的力量很小, 我只能把許多事情向上反映, 至于老闆們聽不聽我就沒辦法了. 我在Borland也常常放炮, 也很黑了, 再說下去我就要成爲祭品了, 無奈.


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-02-03 18:37:44 IP:220.160.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
不會吧?怎麼我博客裏寫的東西也被誰找出來了 轉貼一則消息: > > > > > 青青子衿、悠悠我心。 但為君故、沉吟至今!


#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-02-14 11:12:14 IP:61.64.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
Meanwhile, Borland officials said that moving forward the company is looking at all good news. ADVERTISEMENT For instance, Borland is moving to better align its organization and now has promised to gain more focus by putting all of its integrated development environment (IDE) groups—including C , Delphi, Java and Linux (Kylix) tools—under one group that will report to George Paolini, who has been Borland's vice president and general manager of Java products, Borland officials said. And officials said the hiring of Matt Thompson as senior vice president of worldwide sales is "pivotal" to the company's strategy. Thompson was hired away from Marimba Inc. in October. One source close to Borland said Stone "made a lot of things happen," particularly with the company's Java tools, as he was a key contributor to Borland's JBuilder Java development tool. The source said both Stone and Jazdzewski going to Microsoft is ironic because it was Stone's elevation to Borland CTO in mid-2003 that many insiders said they believe made Jazdzewski begin to have rumblings about leaving the company. However, the defections of Stone and Jazdzewski are not isolated. Over the last few months other key personnel have left the company. Roger Barney, Borland's chief administrative officer, is set to leave at the end of this month. Doug Barre, former chief operating officer, left Oct. 15. Simon Thornhill, former Borland vice president and general manager of .Net solutions, left in the last couple of months. And Frank Slootman, former Borland senior vice president of software products, left earlier in 2003. Yet despite losing large numbers of people in the past, Borland has remained a key contributor to the developer tools community, with highly regarded and industry-leading tools such as JBuilder, C Builder and Kylix. "I don't see the recent departures as a 'brain drain,'" said Theresa Lanowitz, an analyst with Gartner Inc., in Stamford, Conn. "I think what we are experiencing is business as usual in the software industry. And positions at tech companies are opening up. Borland, for some reason, tends to keep people longer than what we typically see at software companies. So when you see people leaving from Borland it does seem somewhat odd." She added that Borland is undergoing an image change: "Borland has historically been a leading-edge company. That is a fine image to have, but if Borland really wants to be taken seriously in the minds of CIOs, who are now being held accountable from the line of business, they need to shift their focus and how they approach the market. I think [Borland CEO] Dale Fuller is quite capable of putting together a team of people to make the dramatic shift that Borland needs to." Thomas Murphy, an analyst with the Meta Group Inc., in Stamford, Conn., said, "That is a bit of brain drain but also them going through growing, etc. … So I don't think it is a tremendous problem, but I would keep an eye on things. The quarter looks like it turned out better than I thought, the EBU is starting to get a bit pulled together, management is shaping up, and the technologies are getting integrated." John Muchow, a Java 2 Micro Edition technical expert with CoreJ2ME.com who uses Borland technology, said: "With a solid product line and extremely talented development staff, I don't believe this will have a long-term effect on Borland." Dale Fuller, chief executive of the Scotts Valley, Calif., company, said the company's engineers remain very solid. "The technical leadership of the company is with 10 people [primarily chief scientists in different units]; each unit has multiple key architects. We bring out the best and brightest minds and promote them through the ranks. Blake Stone was one of those people." Fuller sad the company is "sad to lose a friend like Blake Stone, but we're also proud of him. He's a Borlander forever. We couldn't have chosen a better ambassador for Borland." Fuller said the recent defections "will not have any impact on Borland's ability to continue to deliver on our ALM [Application Lifecycle Management] strategy." Developer viewpoints varied on the moves. "Normally if some high profile person at a company resigns then no big deal, they are probably moving on to bigger and better things," said a poster on the Fog Creek Software Inc. software discussion forum. "But to have four high-level folks resign seems like more than just coincidence." Another poster said: "Borland has been 'sinking' for ages, while in the meantime such unsinkable Titanics as Netscape, Visual Cafe, Visual J , Enron, etc. have disappeared without a trace. After a while the 'Borland is dying' mantra sounds more like a dull whine, almost like the distant braying of donkeys." 樹倒猢孫散 否?
系統時間:2024-10-08 1:20:43
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