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請問D7有QRCheckBox & QRDBCheckBox元件嗎?



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-04-01 11:43:07 IP:220.137.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
請問大大: 我於D5有安裝QRCheckBox及QRDBCheckBox二個元件有Source(QRCB.PAS)深度歷險下載的,如要安裝D7要如何修改,請高手們幫幫忙,謝謝! SOURCE 如下: unit qrcb; { QRCustomCheckBox - FREEWARE, UNWARRANTED - QRCheckBox - FREEWARE, UNWARRANTED - QRDBCheckBox - FREEWARE, UNWARRANTED - * Files: README.TXT - Notes QRCB.PAS - Source QRCB.DCR - 32 bit resource file (Delphi 2, 3, 4) QRCB.16 - 16 bit resource file (rename to QRCB.DCR for Delphi 1 * Paul Doland, 1-13-99 pdoland@flash.net Andy Corteen, 5-Nov-1998 andy@telecam.demon.co.uk.nospam I (Paul Doland) used some of Qusoft's sample code to write this. Andy Corteen improved it. He tested it with Delphi 3/QR 2. I tested it with Delphi 4/QR 3 and Delphi 1/QR 2. I tested my original version with Delphi 2/QR 2 but have not tested Andy's version with it, but I think it should work. I don't believe anyone has tested with QR 1. * Andy's contribution was to remove the need to alter QuSoft's source code, by providing a database fields property editor and enabling the full use of the Frame properties in defining the look of the box, and to give the option of cross or tick as the logical true style. * Paul's Delphi 4 installation notes: Put QRCB.DCR and QRCB.PAS in a location of your choosing. Most of the QR stuff goes in DELPHI4\LIB directory, so this seems a reasonable place. Close all open projects/files. To install, use "Install Component" on Component menu. I chose to install into existing package, "DCLUSR40.DPK" To be perfectly honest, I don't know much about packages. There doesn't seem to be a QR specific package, so this seemed to be a good place for it. Compiled it and it seems to work. Andy's Delphi 3 installation notes: (I (Paul) suspect Andy means the same thing I said Delphi about 4 installation, but I don't have Delphi 3 installed currently...) Close all open projects/files. To install, use "Install Component" on Component menu and select qrcb.pas (qrcb.pas and qrcb.dcr must remain together). Delphi 2 installation: I haven't tested it, but I think it should work. Use Delphi 1 instructions except use the 32 bit resource file. Delphi 1 installation: Install QRCB.PAS and QRCB.DCR in a location of your choosing. (Rename QRCB.16 to QRCB.DCR.) I used the same directory as QuickReport. Use Options/Install Components. Then ADD, then Browse and find QRCB.PAS. Hit okay and that should do it. * } interface {$ifdef WIN32} uses graphics, classes, DB, DBTables, DsgnIntf, quickrpt, BdeConst; {$else} uses graphics, classes, DB, DBTables, DsgnIntf, quickrpt; {$endif} type {Object Inspector - generic editor for data field names} TcFieldsEditor = class(TStringProperty) public function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; procedure GetValues(proc: TGetStrProc); override; end; TcTickStyle = (tsCross, tsTick); type TQRCustomCheckBox = class(TQRPrintable) private FChecked : boolean; FTickStyle: TcTickStyle; procedure SetTickStyle(Style: TcTickStyle); protected procedure ReadVisible(Reader : TReader); virtual; procedure WriteDummy(Writer : TWriter); virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; procedure Paint; override; procedure Print(OfsX, OfsY : integer); override; published property TickStyle: TcTickStyle read FTickStyle write SetTickStyle; end; TQRCheckBox = class(TQRCustomCheckBox) public constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; procedure SetChecked(Value : boolean); published property Checked : boolean read FChecked write SetChecked; end; TQRDBCheckBox = class(TQRCustomCheckBox) private Field : TField; FieldNo : integer; FieldOK : boolean; DataSourceName : string[30]; FDataSet : TDataSet; FDataField : string; procedure SetDataSet(Value : TDataSet); procedure SetDataField(Value : string); protected procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; procedure Prepare; override; procedure ReadValues(Reader : TReader); virtual; procedure Unprepare; override; procedure WriteValues(Writer : TWriter); virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; procedure Print(OfsX, OfsY : integer); override; published property DataSet : TDataSet read FDataSet write SetDataSet; property DataField : string read FDataField write SetDataField; end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TQRCustomCheckBox.Create(AOwner : TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); {override default frame settings to suite a checkbox} Frame.DrawBottom := True; Frame.DrawLeft := True; Frame.DrawRight := True; Frame.DrawTop := True; end; procedure TQRCustomCheckBox.SetTickStyle(Style: TcTickStyle); begin if Style in [tsCross, tsTick] then if Style <> FTickStyle then FTickStyle := Style; Invalidate; end; procedure TQRCustomCheckBox.Paint; begin with Canvas do begin Pen.Color := Frame.Color; Pen.Width := Frame.Width; Pen.Style := Frame.Style; MoveTo(0,0); if Frame.DrawTop then LineTo(Width-1,0) else MoveTo(Width-1,0); if Frame.DrawRight then LineTo(Width-1,Height-1) else MoveTo(Width-1,Height-1); if Frame.DrawBottom then LineTo(0,Height-1) else MoveTo(0,Height-1); if Frame.DrawLeft then LineTo(0,0); if FChecked then begin Case TickStyle of tsCross: begin MoveTo(0, 0); LineTo(Width, Height - 1); MoveTo(0, Height - 1); LineTo(Width - 1, 0); end; tsTick: begin Pen.Width := Frame.Width 1; MoveTo(2, 2*(Height div 3)); LineTo(Width div 3, Height - 3); LineTo(Width - 2, 2); end; end; end; end; end; procedure TQRCustomCheckBox.Print(OfsX, OfsY : integer); var CalcLeft, CalcTop, CalcRight, CalcBottom : Longint; begin with ParentReport.QRPrinter do begin Canvas.Pen.Color := Frame.Color; Canvas.Pen.Width := Frame.Width; Canvas.Pen.Style := Frame.Style; CalcLeft := XPos(OfsX Size.Left) 1; CalcTop := YPos(OfsY Size.Top) 1; CalcRight := XPos(OfsX Size.Left Size.Width)-1; CalcBottom := YPos(OfsY Size.Top Size.Height)-1; Canvas.MoveTo(CalcLeft,CalcTop); if Frame.DrawTop then Canvas.LineTo(CalcRight,CalcTop) else Canvas.MoveTo(CalcRight,CalcTop); if Frame.DrawRight then Canvas.LineTo(CalcRight,CalcBottom) else Canvas.MoveTo(CalcRight,CalcBottom); if Frame.DrawBottom then Canvas.LineTo(CalcLeft,CalcBottom) else Canvas.MoveTo(CalcLeft,CalcBottom); if Frame.DrawLeft then Canvas.LineTo(CalcLeft,CalcTop); if FChecked then begin Case TickStyle of tsCross: begin Canvas.MoveTo(CalcLeft, CalcTop); Canvas.LineTo(CalcRight, CalcBottom); Canvas.MoveTo(CalcLeft, CalcBottom); Canvas.LineTo(CalcRight, CalcTop); end; tsTick: begin Canvas.Pen.Width := Frame.Width 1; Canvas.MoveTo(CalcLeft 2, CalcTop 2*((CalcBottom-CalcTop) div 3)); Canvas.LineTo(CalcLeft (CalcRight-CalcLeft) div 3, CalcBottom - 2); Canvas.LineTo(CalcRight - 2, CalcTop 2); end; end; end; end; end; procedure TQRCustomCheckBox.ReadVisible(Reader : TReader); begin Enabled := Reader.ReadBoolean; end; procedure TQRCustomCheckBox.WriteDummy(Writer : TWriter); begin end; constructor TQRCheckBox.Create(AOwner : TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FChecked := False; end; procedure TQRCheckBox.SetChecked(Value : boolean); begin if Value <> FChecked then begin FChecked := Value; Invalidate; end; end; constructor TQRDBCheckBox.Create(AOwner : TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FChecked := FALSE; DataSourceName := ''; end; procedure TQRDBCheckBox.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); begin Filer.DefineProperty('DataSource',ReadValues,WriteValues,false); Filer.DefineProperty('Visible', ReadVisible, WriteDummy, false); inherited DefineProperties(Filer); end; procedure TQRDBCheckBox.SetDataSet(Value : TDataSet); begin FDataSet := Value; {$ifdef WIN32} if Value <> nil then Value.FreeNotification(self); {$endif} end; procedure TQRDBCheckBox.SetDataField(Value : string); begin FDataField := Value; end; procedure TQRDBCheckBox.Prepare; begin inherited Prepare; if assigned(FDataSet) then begin Field := FDataSet.FindField(FDataField); if (Field <> nil) and (Field is TBooleanField) then begin FieldNo := Field.Index; FieldOK := true; end else begin Field := nil; FieldOK := false; end; end else begin Field := nil; FieldOK := false; end; end; procedure TQRDBCheckBox.Unprepare; begin Field := nil; inherited Unprepare; if DataField <> '' then SetDataField(DataField) { Reset component caption } else SetDataField(Name); end; procedure TQRDBCheckBox.ReadValues(Reader : TReader); begin DataSourceName := Reader.ReadIdent; end; procedure TQRDBCheckBox.WriteValues(Writer : TWriter); begin end; procedure TQRDBCheckBox.Print(OfsX, OfsY : integer); begin if FieldOK then begin if FDataSet.DefaultFields then Field := FDataSet.Fields[FieldNo]; end else Field := nil; FChecked := FALSE; if assigned(Field) then if (Field is TBooleanField) then FChecked := TBooleanField(Field).value; inherited Print(OfsX,OfsY); end; function TcFieldsEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin {Tell Object Inspector what to expect...} Result := [paAutoUpdate, paValueList, paReadOnly, paSortList]; end; procedure TcFieldsEditor.GetValues(proc: TGetStrProc); var ThisComponent: TQRDbCheckBox; Counter: Integer; begin {Provide list of ftBoolean fields to Object Inspector...} ThisComponent := TQRDbCheckBox(GetComponent(0)); with ThisComponent do try if DataSet <> nil then {List every field in the selected DataSet} for Counter := 0 to DataSet.FieldCount-1 do if DataSet.Fields[Counter].DataType = ftBoolean then proc(DataSet.Fields[Counter].FieldName); except {Raise exception} {$ifdef WIN32} DatabaseError(SDatabaseNameMissing); {$else} DatabaseError('Database Alias Missing'); {$endif} end; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('QReport', [TQRCheckBox, TQRDbCheckBox]); RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String), TQRDbCheckBox, 'DataField', TcFieldsEditor); {$ifdef ver100} {More comments by Paul Doland... I don't know what compilers define what. I just tried to seach the Delphi 4 help and didn't find it. At any rate, in Qusoft's QREPORT.PAS, they call RegisterNonActiveX in the case of 'ver100' being defined. Is this C Builder 1? I don't know. Anyway, As I've never messed with Active X, I really don't know for certain the implications here. Forgive my ignorance. However, the Delphi 4 version of RegisterNonActiveX has two parameters instead of 1. It probably should be called. But I'd have to know better what compilers define which version of the function. The bottom line is it doesn't seem to be critical. If someone has QR 3 pro (I don't, only 2 Pro) maybe they could see how Qusoft currently codes this. {RegisterNonActiveX([TQRCheckBox, TQRDbCheckBox]);} {$endif} end; end. 何明昌


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-04-05 10:08:12 IP:220.137.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
謝謝大大! 我想應改在元件區較適當! 何明昌
系統時間:2024-09-06 10:14:35
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