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Opening Doors part2



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Opening Doors: Notes On the Delphi ToolsAPI by its Creator - Part 2 - by Allen Bauer    資料來源:http://bdn.borland.com/article/0,1410,20419,00.html    Abstract:The second Delphi Open ToolsAPI article, by Delphi R&D member Allen Bauer, gives developers a "cookbook" format, with step-by-step instructions, for creating an IDE extension in Delphi. Opening Doors  Getting inside the IDE by Allen Bauer, Staff Engineer/Delphi&C++Builder R&D Manager   On to the starting line   In my last article, I gave the reader a little bit of and overview and some of the design goals of the Borland Delphi/C++Builder IDE Open Tools API.  In this installment, I will get you out of the starting gate and heading down the track toward writing your own IDE extensions.  If you have not done so, please take some time to scan through the ToolsAPI.pas file in the Sourcetoolsapi directory.  This file ships with only the Professional and Enterprise versions of Delphi.  Also, I will not be covering any of the old non-interface based Delphi2.0-3.0 OTA.  This article presumes that the reader has a good understanding of Delphi interfaces and their use.  If you are uncomfortable with or have never used Delphi interfaces, I suggest reading one of several of the Delphi books available such as Charlie Calvert's Delphi Unleashed.  Gentlemen, start your engines...   There are a couple of ways in which an extension can be added to the IDE.  The first is to create a traditional Windows DLL that exports a specific entry point.  The reference to this DLL is then added to the registry under a specific key used by the IDE during startup.  The IDE then calls the entry point with a parameter that allows the add-in DLL to "register" its extensions with the IDE.   The second mechanism is one that I prefer because the it allows an IDE extension to be loaded and unloaded on demand by the user.  This involves creating a design-time package as if one were creating components to be added to the IDE's tool palette.  The other very good reason to use the package approach is that accessing the internals of the IDE is much easier since the boundaries between the package and the IDE are much less.  For instance, it is possible to actually create a new TMenuItem component and simply insert it into the IDE's main menu.  This is made possible by the fact that both the core of the IDE and the add-in package both must share the exact same in-memory copy of both the RTL and VCL.  Also in future articles when I cover creation of a dockable IDE add-in forms, this mechanism is essential. While the flexibility of using packages is great, it does place a burden on the programmer in that they must be prepared to be removed from memory at any time.  This means that everything done when the add-in was initialized, must now be undone and in many cases in the reverse order.   You should not really view this as a burden, but simply enforcement of good programming practices.    The Open Tools API is divided into different sub-systems loosely referred to as "Services."  For example, if you look in ToolsAPI.pas, you will see several interfaces named IOTAxxxxServices.  These interfaces provide the top-level access to each of the specific subsystems.  Many of these you'll recognize, like IOTADebuggerServices, IOTAKeyboardServices or IOTAMessageServices.  From one of these interfaces, a lot of information can be accessed.  You can also attach "notifier" interfaces to these sub-systems in order for your add-in to be notifications of important events as they occur within the IDE. So how do I get one of these "Services" interfaces?  If you again refer to ToolsAPI.pas, you'll notice that immediately above the implementation keyword there is a global variable called BorlandIDEServices.  If you notice, the type of this variable is simply IUnknown.  That isn't very interesting...or is it? You see, the key here is the QueryInterface method.  Or, as the interface savvy Delphi programmer would notice, as is the key. 
  DebuggerServices: IOTADebuggerServices;
  DebuggerServices := BorlandIDEServices as IOTADebuggerServices;
Remember, since the ToolsAPI unit is also used by the IDE, it actually resides in VCL40 or VCL50. You won't get anywhere if you simply compile ToolsAPI.pas into your application since the BorlandIDEServices variable is initialized deep in the core of the IDE. And they're off... Let's do something interesting, if not really useful. In this example, I'll create an add-in that adds a notifier to the IOTAServices interface in order to get notifications of files opening and closing within the IDE. Then, in these notifications, the add-in will simply insert messages into the IDE's message view indicating the event. To start this off right, we need a package. I usually just use the File|New dialog and select Package. This creates a Package1.dpk. You should go ahead and save this new project and give it a meaningful name, like SillyOTAExample.dpk. Now we need a place to put our code. Since this is going to be a design-time package, a unit with a global procedure named Register must exist in the package in order for things to work correctly. By using the Register procedure, the precise moment when it is safe to "muck" with things is guaranteed because the IDE ensures things are ready when it calls this procedure. Since there is no corresponding Unregister procedure, the unit finalization section will be used for any cleanup that may be necessary. I'm going to cheat a little and use the New Component Wizard to generate this for me. Click the little Add Button, on the package manager and enter information similar to the following.... (Note you can ignore the path information since that is specific to my machine and happens to be ahem.... my C Builder IDE dev tree.. ;-) Gaining Speed By now you should have a new package with a new unit that contains a skeleton class derived from TNotifierObject. If you were to compile this package now.... well let's just say, it will die a horrible death at the hands of the compiler. We need to make a few tweaks under the hood... The TNotifierObject is a little helper class in ToolsAPI.pas that simplifies the implementation of the IOTANotifer interface. Many times the IOTANotifier methods are not called in certain circumstances so rather than always having to declare all these methods each time IOTANotifier is implemented, it is a simple shortcut to use the TNofitierObject as the ancestor class. The first tweak I'm going to make is to move the entire declaration of the class to the implementation section. This is because there is no need to access this class outside this unit or even outside this package. By moving the class entirely to the implementation section, I can reduce the number of exported symbols from the package, thus reducing its size. I also need to update the uses list to be better suited for what I need. Oh, and I don't need that RegisterComponents call or the classes' published section either. Here's what the unit now looks like:
unit SillyOTAObject;    interface    procedure Register;    implementation    uses
  Windows, SysUtils, Classes, ToolsAPI;    type
  TSillyOTAObject = class(TNotifierObject)
    { Private declarations }
    { Protected declarations }
    { Public declarations }
  end;    procedure Register;
end;    end.    
Rounding Turn One... Let's put some meat on this skeleton. As stated in the original design, we want to output a message in the message view when a file open or close event occurs. To do this, we need to implement the IOTAIDENotifier interface. This interface then needs to be added to the IDE's internal list of notifiers on the IOTAServices interface. An item worth noting that is common about all the various AddNotifier methods, is its return value. You, the programmer, are responsible for adding and removing your notifiers from the internal notifier list by using the AddNotifier and RemoveNotifier methods. AddNotifier returns an Integer value that is unique to that notifier. This value is actually an internal index into an array of notifier interfaces to call whenever the desired event happens. RemoveNotifier in turn, uses this index to know which array slot to release. When we call AddNotifier, the return value must be saved someplace so it can be used when this package is unloaded to call RemoveNotifier to cause the IDE to release its reference to our notifier implementation. Here's how the class now looks with only stub implementations for the methods:
  TSillyOTAObject = class(TNotifierObject, IOTANotifier, IOTAIDENotifier)
    { Private declarations }
    procedure FileNotification(NotifyCode: TOTAFileNotification;
      const FileName: string; var Cancel: Boolean);
    procedure BeforeCompile(const Project: IOTAProject; var Cancel: Boolean); overload;
    procedure AfterCompile(Succeeded: Boolean); overload;
    { Public declarations }
  end;    { TSillyOTAObject }    procedure TSillyOTAObject.AfterCompile(Succeeded: Boolean);
  { Not interested in AfterCompile at this time }
end;    procedure TSillyOTAObject.BeforeCompile(const Project: IOTAProject;
var Cancel: Boolean);
  { Not interested in BeforeCompile at this time }
end;    procedure TSillyOTAObject.FileNotification(
NotifyCode: TOTAFileNotification; const FileName: string;
var Cancel: Boolean);
Now let's get this notifier into the right place... The fun really starts in the Register procedure. Here's how it looks:
  Index: Integer;    procedure Register;
  Index := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAServices).AddNotifier(TSillyOTAObject.Create);
end;    initialization
  (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAServices).RemoveNotifier(Index);
Another item to note here is that I hold no reference to the TSillyOTAObject class. This is because at this point there is no need to. In fact it could be dangerous to do so because since this object implements interfaces and is fully lifetime managed, explicitly freeing the object could have disastrous consequences. All that is needed is the index value returned from the AddNotifier method. Make sure that the index value received is the only value used in the call to RemoveNotifier. I'm sure other OTA developers would not appreciate having their notifier interface removed by some errant OTA extension without their knowledge... On the Back Stretch... Now let's finish this thing up. So far we've created a new package, added a skeleton unit and class declaration, and munged it around to fit our needs. Then we implemented the IOTANotifier and IOTAIDENotifier interfaces, and registered them with the IOTAServices interface. The cool stuff now happens in the FileNotification method when various file oriented events occur. These include opening/closing of files, saving/loading of desktop state, etc... This example will also demonstrate a simple example of using the IOTAMessageServices. So to keep from boring you too much, here's what the body of the FileNotification method looks like:
procedure TSillyOTAObject.FileNotification(
  NotifyCode: TOTAFileNotification; const FileName: string;
  var Cancel: Boolean);
  case NotifyCode of
    ofnFileOpened: (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAMessageServices).AddTitleMessage(
      Format('%s Opened', [FileName]));
    ofnFileClosing: (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAMessageServices).AddTitleMessage(
      Format('%s Closed', [FileName]));
Now comes the moment of truth. Press the Install Button on the package manager window. This will compile the package and install the package into the IDE. If all went as planned you should see no noticeable change. It things didn't go so well... you may have crashed the IDE... Well, that is one of the pitfalls of developing an OTA extension. Since you are playing around in the IDE's sandbox (or process space), it is now at the mercy of whatever code you decide to put in your extension. By the same token, that is also where the full power of the OTA is realized. Assuming that things went OK, try opening a file.. say ToolsAPI.pas. Right click on the editor and select Message View. There should now be at least one message in the message view that indicates what file was opened. Congratulations, you have just built an OTA IDE extension! The Home Stretch... You may not be to excited about this particular example, but it does demonstrate the power of packages, coupled with the OTA. One thing you may find rather interesting is how the IDE is able to automatically unload a package allowing you to recompile it. Then reload that package once it is successfully compiled. Once the package is installed, the IDE really tries to help speed your development by not requiring the IDE to be shut-down just to recompile the package. Say you wanted to modify the message that was output to the message view. Just modify the SillyOTAUnit source code, recompile the package and... BINGO! your code changes are immediately reflected in the IDE. Again, as stated before, any logic errors that cause crashes, could have an adverse affect on the IDE, so I would suggest that when developing an OTA extension in this manner that you enable the Auto save files option. See the Tools|Environment Options dialog. And the Winner Is..... Things are going to start getting better from here, so stay tuned for the next installment where we'll investigate CustomModules and creating your own source code wizards similar to the Web Server Application wizard and the TWebModules. Oh and I haven't forgotten about my promise to show you how to create your own forms in the IDE that dock like the rest of the built-in IDE forms. That will be coming in another future article. Hopefully that should be enough for you to chew on for a while... With the holidays fast approaching, this will probably be my last article until the new year (millennium or century, unless you want to treat 2001 as the new century/millennium...;-). Happy Holidays. Allen Bauer. 聯盟----Visita網站http://www.vista.org.tw ---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章 ]--- 發表人 - axsoft 於 2003/01/14 12:03:19
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