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bsp; http://www.taitung.gov.tw/ 查看台東縣市的觀光資訊 30. http://www.poja.com.tw/ 查詢花蓮旅遊資訊 31. http://www.mis.sjsmit.edu.tw/SUN/查看淡水旅遊資訊 32. http://tourism.pu.edu.tw/greenisland/index.htm 查看綠島旅遊資訊 33. http://www.transoft.com.tw/tmic/ 查詢台灣山岳資訊 34. http://www.game.hinet.net/ 自己玩遊戲 35. http://www.igame.com.tw/ 與多人對戰 36. ! http://game.acer.net/ 玩各種遊戲 37. http://www.dragonzone.com/avers/ 看武俠小說 38. http://netcity1.web.hinet.net/UserData/john520/ 看笑話 39. http://www.river.com.tw/ 看漫畫 40. http://www.post.gov.tw/ 查詢郵票的相關資訊 41. http://999.18k.com.tw/1.htm 上網算命 第四篇 上網找美食 1. http://www.cityguide.com.tw/ 查看台北市的餐廳 2. http://www.taichung.net.tw/ 查看台中灣的餐飲服務 3. http://w6.dj.net.tw/~rogerchang/keelung/k5/k5.htm 基隆的廟口小吃 4. http://inf.cs.nthu.edu.tw/cosh/ 新竹美食 5. http://athena.cs.ccu.edu.tw/food.html 嘉義地區美食 6. http://www.need.com.tw/tainan/10/1000.htm 搜尋台南小吃 &! nbsp; 7. http://www.gogoph.com.tw/T07.htm 查詢澎湖小吃 8. http://www.pros.com.tw/delicacy/ 搜羅美食情報 9. http://www.waiter.com.tw/ 訂購餐飲 10. http://www.myfun.com.tw 訂便當 11. http://www.ttw.gov.tw/knack/knack.thm 找尋雞尾酒的調法 第五篇 上網查詢政府機關資訊 1. http://www.ris.gov.tw/ 查詢戶役政機關所在 2. http://www.ris.gov.tw/ 查詢辦理戶政事務資訊 3. http://www.ly.gov.tw/ 查詢各地區選出的立法委員 4. http://www.mofa.gov.tw/frame33.htm 查詢各國駐華領事館或機構 第六篇 上網學習知識 1. http://www.104.com.tw/ 求職求才 2. http://www2.tpml.edu.tw/ 查看台北市立圖書館書籍資料 3. ! 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稍後再貼 抱歉 商業資訊 搜尋引擎 網路服務 生活查詢 ‧採購公報 http://web.pcc.gov.tw/ ‧投領標系統 http://www.geps.gov.tw/ ‧經濟部商業司 http://coreg.hinet.net/business/ ‧台灣網路資訊中心 http://www.twnic.net.tw/ ‧網域名稱註冊系統 http://rs.twnic.net.tw/ ‧臺灣製造業資訊網 http://manufacture.com.tw/index-c.htm ‧台灣工業資訊網 http://www.industry.net.tw/ ‧外貿發展協會 http://www.tptaiwan.org.tw/cgi-bin/bv60/TWTRADE/index.jsp ‧大陸台商資訊網 http://china.management.org.tw/ ‧亞洲產品目錄 http://www.allproducts.com.tw// ‧資訊工業策進會 http://mic.iii.org.tw/ ‧電子型錄詢價系統 http://pccep.seed.net.tw/ ‧高雄市政府 http://www.kaohsiung.gov.tw/index.php?strurl=missing.html ‧高雄線上 http://www.kaoh.com.tw/ ‧中華電信話費查詢 http://info.hinet.net/tel_fare/ ‧中央氣象局 http://www.cwb.gov.tw/index-0101.htm ‧火車時刻及訂票 http://www.railway.gov.tw/taiwan/tai17.html ‧Sina地圖查詢 http://maps.sinanet.com.tw/ ‧中華電訊 104 查號 http://104.hinet.net/bin/q_secu ‧松山班機查詢 http://www.iot.gov.tw/news/rtinfo1.htm ‧中正班機查詢 http://www.cksairport.gov.tw/ ‧失竊或拖吊查詢 http://nweb.npa.gov.tw/ ‧群琁地圖通 http://nweb.npa.gov.tw/ ‧104電子查號台 http://104.hinet.net/ ‧112網路障礙台 http://112.cht.com.tw/ ‧公路監理站 http://mvdvan.hinet.net/mvdvan/whpg.htm ‧農民曆 http://www.bullet.com.tw/usr-bin/cdate.html ‧網路新村里 http://village.gov.tw/ ‧台灣電子地圖 http://www.map.com.tw/ ‧國語辭典 ‧中山高即時路況 http://www.iot.gov.tw/news/ ‧五碼郵遞區號 http://www.post.gov.tw/zip/adver/postcode.htm ‧檢舉垃圾信件 http://www.tacocity.com.tw/teamiss/no-email.htm *********************************************************************** ‧首頁製作百寶箱 ‧JAVA博物館 http://tacocity.com.tw/java/ ‧首頁特效藥 http://home.clara.net/fliang/page.htm ‧幻網 http://home.pchome.com.tw/life/rd028/ ‧網頁補習班 http://www.hpclass.com/ ‧兩隻老虎 http://2ti.com/ ‧小正正教室 http://www.class2u.com/home.htm ‧程式設計俱樂部 *********************************************************************** 發表人 - jackkcg 於 2002/10/14 20:11:09
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#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2003-02-08 23:47:02 IP:61.64.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
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最會的2大絕招 這個不會與那個也不會 哈哈哈 粉好

Delphi K.Top的K.Top分兩個字解釋Top代表尖端的意思,希望本討論區能提供Delphi的尖端新知
K.表Knowlege 知識,就是本站的標語:Open our mind


#4 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2003-02-14 04:52:20 IP:61.64.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
一般資源 http://www.progsource.com/index.html The Programmer's Source is a great resource for information on many programming languages, including C . You will find lists of tools, compilers, software, books and other C resources. http://www.intranet.ca/~sshah/booklist.html#C The Programmer's Book List has a section for C books with 30 titles. http://www.genitor.com/resources.htm The Developer Resources site has links to C compilers, useful C tools, source code from the C/C Users Journal and publications. http://www.possibility.com/Cpp/CppCodingStandard.html The C Coding Standard site has an extensive amount of information about the C programming language as well as a great list of C resources on the Web. http://help-site.com/cpp.html Help-site.com provides links to C resources on the Web. http://www.glenmccl.com/tutor.htm This site is a good reference for users with C/C knowledge. Topics are accompanied by detailed explanations and example code. http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone3/cat353/index.htm This site offers an extensive collection of C libraries. These libraries are available for free download. http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone3/cat155/index.htm This site offers tools and libraries for C/C . http://www.programmersheaven.com/wwwboard/board3/wwwboard.asp This message board allows users to post C/C programming questions and comments to the website developer.com. A list of frequently asked questions with answers is provided. http://www.hal9k.com/cug/ This site provides C resources, journals, shareware, freeware, etc. http://developer.earthweb.com/directories/pages/dir.c.developmenttools.html A popular Web site for programmers, Developer.com provides an extensive list of resources for programmers using C and C . http://www.devx.com DevX is a comprehensive resources for programmers. The section provides the latest news, tools and techniques for various programming languages. The C zone section of the site is dedicated to C . http://home.kimo.com.tw/fightc 討論C/C 的回家作業,並含原始程式、討論資訊。 教學網站 http://home.kimo.com.tw/tommylin12345/ C的網站:提供C語言教學。 http://www.taconet.com.tw/know Free C Sample Code與討論區。 http://info.desy.de/gna/html/cc/index.html This Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C tutorial is available to download or you can register for a Web-based course. Check out the recommended books on object-oriented programming and the C programming language. http://www.icce.rug.nl/docs/cplusplus/cplusplus.html This tutorial, written by a university professor, is designed for C programmers who want to learn C programming. http://www.rdw.tec.mn.us/ Red Wing/Winona Technical College offers on-line C courses for credit. http://library.advanced.org/3074/ This tutorial is designed for Pascal programmers who want to learn C . ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/C-faq/learn-c-cpp-today This site has a list of C tutorials this site also contains information about various C compilers. http://www.icce.rug.nl/docs/cplusplus/cplusplus.html A site for users who already know C and want to learn C . http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html This site includes a step-by-step tutorial that includes sample code. http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone3/cat34/index.htm This site contains a list of tutorial topics. Tutorial levels range from beginner to expert. 常見問題FAQs http://reality.sgi.com/austern/std-c /faq.html This is a FAQ site devoted to questions about the C ANSI/ISO standard, the design of the C programming language and the latest changes to the language. http://pneuma.phys.ualberta.ca/~burris/ The Internet Link Exchange is another great resource for C information. This site has links to FAQs related to comp.lang.c and the C standard libraries. http://lglwww.epfl.ch/~wolf/c/index.html A list of FAQs on the ANSI/ISO standard for the C programming language. http://www.cerfnet.com/~mpcline/C -FAQs-Lite/ This site has an abundance of FAQs broken down into 35 categories. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/by-newsgroup/comp/comp.lang.c .html This site consists of a series of links to FAQs and tutorials gathered from the Comp.Lang.C newsgroup. http://www.cerfnet.com/~mpcline/C -FAQs-Lite/ This is a FAQ site with an extensive array of topics. Each topic includes several questions with answers. http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/top.html This FAQ list contains topics such as pointers, memory allocation and strings. Visual C http://chesworth.com/pv/languages/c/visual_cpp_tutorial.htm This is a good tutorial for a beginner learning Microsoft Visual C . The tutorial gives the user a brief overview of C . C 論壇相關網站 Programmer 2020 - 程式設計俱樂部,提供VC 、VB、JAVA、Perl、Lingo、Delphi、ASP各種程式語言討論區,及好書推薦。 http://www.phoaks.com/comp/lang/c /index.html Wow! This site is a tremendous resource for information related to comp.lang.c . The title of the page, People Helping One Another Know Stuff, summarizes what this site is all about. You will find links to over 40 additional resources for C information. http://www.r2m.com/windev/cpp-compiler.html This site contains links to many C related sites. http://kom.net/~dbrick/newspage/comp.lang.c .html Visit this site to connect to newsgroups related to the comp.lang.c hierarchy. http://www.austinlinks.com/CPlusPlus/ Quadralay Corporation's Web site has links to C resources including Visual C /MFC Libraries, C programming information, C career resources, and a list of tutorials and other on line tools to help you learn C . http://db.csie.ncu.edu.tw/~kant_c/C/chapter2_21.html This Web site has a list of ANSI C standard library functions http://www.csci.csusb.edu/dick/c std/ This site has links to the ANSI/ISO C Draft Standard and the Usenet group comp.std.c which provides new information about the standard. http://ibd.ar.com/ger/comp.lang.c .html The Green Eggs Report lists over 100 URLs within comp.lang.C . http://www.research.att.com/~bs/homepage.html This is the home page for Bjarne Stroustrup, designer of the C programming language. He provides a list of C resources, FAQs and other useful C information. http://www.cygnus.com/misc/wp/draft/index.html This site has the "working draft" of the ANSI C Standard in HTML format (December 1996). http://www.austinlinks.com/CPlusPlus/ This site has a list of C resources including suggested books, career resources, information about the C programming language and links to sites with lists of C resources. ftp://research.att.com/dist/c std/WP/CD2/ This site has the current ANSI/ISO C draft standard. http://ai.kaist.ac.kr/~ymkim/Program/c .html This Web site offers tutorials, libraries, popular compilers, FAQs and newsgroups. http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/learn.html Learn C/C Today is the title of this site which provides a number of in depth tutorials on C/C . http://www.trumphurst.com/cpplibs1.html The C Libraries FAQ is compiled by programming professionals for the use and benefit of other C programmers. The Library is updated regularly and is a good source for current information. http://www.experts-exchange.com/comp/lang/cplusplus/ The Experts Exchange is a free resource for high-tech professionals who wish to share information with their colleagues. Members can post questions and answers. http://www.execpc.com/~ht/vc.htm This site is a compilation of C programming links that include general information sites, tutorials, magazines and libraries. http://cplus.about.com/compute/cplus/ This is the About.com site for C/C programming languages. You will find tutorials, freeware/shareware, dictionaries, jobs, magazines and many other related items. http://pent21.infosys.tuwien.ac.at/cetus/oo_c_plus_plus.html#oo_c_plus_plus_general_newsgroups On this site you will find a general explanation of C . This site contains news groups. news:comp.lang.c This is a newsgroup dedicated to object-oriented C language issues. news:comp.lang.c .moderated This is a more technically oriented newsgroup dedicated to the C language. C 編譯器 http://www.progsource.com/index.html The Programmer's Source is a great resource for information on many programming languages, including C . You will find lists of tools, compilers, software, books and other C resources. The list of compilers is organized by platform. http://www.cygnus.com/misc/gnu-win32/ The GNU development environment is available at no charge from the Cygnus Web site. http://www.symantec.com/scpp/fs_scpp72_95.html Symantec C 7.5 for Windows 95 and Windows NT. http://www.metrowerks.com/products/ Metrowerks CodeWarrior for Macintosh or Windows. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/by-newsgroup/comp/comp.compilers.html This is a site that has created a list of FAQs generated within the comp.compilers newsgroup. http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~bg283/ This is a DOS based C compiler called the Miracle C compiler. The compiler is free for download, but the source code is not available until you pay a registration fee. http://www.borland.com/bcppbuilder/ This is a link to the Borland C Builder 5.5 A free command-line version is available for download. http://www.compilers.net/ Compilers.net is a site designed to help you find compilers. http://sunset.backbone.olemiss.edu/~bobcook/eC/ This C compiler is designed for beginning C users who wish to transition from Pascal to C . http://developer.intel.com/vtune/compilers/cpp/ The Intel C compiler. Platforms supported are Windows 98, NT and 2000. http://www.kai.com/C_plus_plus/index.html The Kai C compiler is available for a thirty-day free trial. 程式發展工具 http://www.genitor.com Quintessoft Engineering, Inc. offers Code Navigator for C , a C development tool for Windows 95/NT. You will find product information, customer comments, free trial edition downloads and pricing information for the product. 標準樣板程式庫STL Tutorials http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/jak/programming/stl-tutorial/tutorial.html This STL tutorial is organized by examples, philosophy, components and extending STL. You will find code examples using the STL components, useful explanations and helpful diagrams. http://web.ftech.net/~honeyg/articles/eff_stl.htm This STL tutorial provides information on the STL components, containers, stream and iterator adaptors, transforming and selecting values, filtering and transforming values, and objects. http://www.xraylith.wisc.edu/~khan/software/stl/os_examples/examples.html This site is helpful for people just learning about the STL. You will find an introduction to the STL and ObjectSpace STL Tool Kit examples. References http://www.sgi.com/Technology/STL/other_resources.html This site has a list of many STL-related Web sites and a list of suggested books on the STL. http://www.cs.rpi.edu/projects/STL/stl/stl.html This is the Standard Template Library Online Reference Home Page from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. You will find detailed explanations of the STL as well as links to other useful resources for information about the STL. http://www.sgi.com/Technology/STL/ The Silicon Graphics Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide is a useful resource for STL information. You can download the STL from this site, and find the latest information, design documentation, and links to other STL resources. http://www.dinkumware.com/refcpp.html This site contains useful information about the ANSI/ISO Standard C Library and contains extensive information about the Standard Template Library. http://www.roguewave.com/products/xplatform/stdlib/ Rogue Wave Software's Standard C Library web page. You can download whitepapers related to their version of the Standard C Library. FAQs ftp://butler.hpl.hp.com/stl/stl.faq This FTP site is a FAQ sheet for the STL maintained by Marian Corcoran, a member of the ANSI committee and a C expert. Articles, Books and Interviews http://www.sgi.com/Technology/STL/other_resources.html This site has many STL-related Web sites and a short list of suggested books on the STL. http://www.byte.com/art/9510/sec12/art3.htm The Byte Magazine site has a copy of an article on the STL written by Alexander Stepanov. Stepanov, one of the creators of the Standard Template Library, provides information on the use of the STL in generic programming. http://www.sgi.com/Technology/STL/drdobbs-interview.html An interview with Alexander Stepanov that has some interesting information about the creation of the Standard Template Library. Stepanov talks about how the STL was conceptualized, generic programming, the acronym "STL" and more. ANSI/ISO C Standard http://www.ansi.org/ You can purchase a copy of the C standard document from this site. Software http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~musser/stl.html The RPI STL site includes information on how STL differs from other C libraries and on how to compile programs that use STL, list of main STL include files, example programs that use STL, STL Container Classes, and STL Iterator Categories. It also provides a STL-compatible compiler list, FTP sites for STL source code and related materials. http://www.mathcs.sjsu.edu/faculty/horstman/safestl.html Download SAFESTL.ZIP, a tool designed to find errors in programs using the STL. http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~wiseb/stl-borland.html "Using the Standard Template Library with Borland C ." This site is a useful reference for people using the Borland C compiler. The author has sections on warnings and incompatibilities. http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/ This is the Microsoft Visual C home page. Here you can find the latest Visual C news, updates, technical resources, samples and downloads. http://www.borland.com/bcppbuilder/ This is the Borland C Builder home page. Here you can find a variety of C resources including several C newsgroups, information on the latest product enhancements, FAQs and many other resources for programmers using C Builder. UML Resources http://www.omg.org Omg.org is the homesite for the Object Management Group (OMG). The OMG is the group responsible for overseeing maintenance and future revisions of the UML. Their Web site contains information about the UML and other object-oriented technologies. http://www.rational.com Rational Software Corporation initially developed the UML. Their Web site contains information about the UML and the creators of the UML_Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson. http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?ad/99-06-09 This location contains PDF and ZIP versions of the official UML 1.3 specifications. http://www.omg.org/techprocess/meetings/schedule/UML_1.4_RTF.html The OMG maintains at this site information concerning the UML 1.4 specifications, expected to be available beginning in August 2000. http://www.rational.com/uml/resources/quick/index.jtmpl Rational Software Corporation_s UML quick-reference guide. http://www.holub.com/class/oo_design/uml.html This site provides a detailed UML quick-reference card with additional commentary. http://softdocwiz.com/UML.htm Kendall Scott, an author of several UML resources, maintains a UML dictionary at this site. http://www.omg.org/uml/ The OMG UML resource page. http://www.rational.com/uml/index.jtmpl Rational Software Corporation's UML resource page. http://www.platinum.com/corp/uml/uml.htm UML Partners member Platinum Technology maintains a UML resource page at this location. http://www.cetus-links.org/oo_uml.html This site contains hundreds of links to UML sites, including information, tutorials and software. http://www.uml-zone.com This site contains a wealth of UML information, including articles and links to news groups and to other sites. http://home.pacbell.net/ckobryn/uml.htm This site is maintained by Cris Kobryn, a software architect with UML experience. It contains general information and links to important sites on the Web. http://www.methods-tools.com/cgi-bin/DiscussionUML.cgi This site contains the front page to a UML discussion group. http://www.pols.co.uk/usecasezone/index.htm This site provides resources and articles about applying use cases. http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/arch/uml/uml_books_and_tools.html This site contains links to information about other books on the UML, as well as a list of tools that support UML notation. http://home.earthlink.net/~salhir/ Sinan Si Alhir, author of UML in a Nutshell, maintains a site at this location that includes links to many UML resources. Software http://www.rational.com/products/rose/index.jtmpl This site is the home page for Rational Software Corporation's UML visual modeling tool Rational Rose. You can download a trial version from this location and use it free of charge for a limited time period. http://www.rosearchitect.com/ Rosearchitect.com is an online magazine, published by Rational Software Corporation, that covers UML modeling using Rational Rose. http://www.advancedsw.com/ Advanced Software Technologies is the author of GDPro, a UML visual modeling tool. You can download a trial version from their Web site and use it free for a limited time period. http://www.visualobject.com/ Visual Object Modelers has created a visual UML modeling tool. You can download a limited demonstration version from their Web site and use it free for a limited time period. http://www.microgold.com/version2/stage/product.html Microgold Software, Inc. has created WithClass, a software design application that supports the UML notation. http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/dia.html Dia is a gtk diagramming tool that can draw UML class diagrams. Dia runs under UNIX, but the Web site also includes a link to a Windows version. http://dir.lycos.com/Computers/Software/Object_Oriented/Methodologies/UML/Tools/ This site lists dozens of UML modeling tools and their home pages. http://www.methods-tools.com/tools/modeling.html This site contains a listing of many object modeling tools, including those that support the UML. Articles and Whitepapers http://www.omg.org/news/pr99/UML_2001_CACM_Oct99_p29-Kobryn.pdf This article, written by Cris Kobryn, explores the past, present and future of the UML. http://www.sdmagazine.com/uml/focus.rosenberg.htm Here you will find an article with tips on how to incorporate the UML into your projects. http://www.db.informatik.uni-bremen.de/umlbib/ The UML Bibliography provides names and authors of many UML-related articles. You can search articles by author or title. http://usecasehelp.com/wp/white_papers.htm This site maintains a list of whitepapers on applying use case modeling to system analysis and design. http://www.ratio.co.uk/white.html You can read a whitepaper that outlines a process for OOAD using the UML at this site. The paper also includes some implementation in C . http://www.tucs.fi/publications/techreports/TR234.pdf This file contains an OOAD case study of a digital sound recorder using the UML. http://www.conallen.com/whitepapers/webapps/ModelingWebApplications.htm This site contains a case study that models web applications using the UML. http://www.sdmagazine.com/ The Software Development Magazine Online site has a repository of many articles on the UML. You can search by subject or browse article titles. Tutorials http://www.qoses.com/education/ This site contains a bank of tutorials created by UML author Kendall Scott and maintained by Qoses. http://www.qoses.com/education/tests/test02.html You can take an on-line UML quiz at this location. The results are e-mailed to you. http://www.rational.com/products/rose/tryit/tutorial/index.jtmpl Rational Software Corporation provides a tutorial file for Rational Rose at this site. FAQs http://www.rational.com/uml/gstart/faq.jtmpl This is the location of Rational Software Corporation_s UML FAQ. http://usecasehelp.com/faq/faq.htm This site contains a small FAQ file maintained by usecasehelp.com. http://www.jguru.com/jguru/faq/ Enter UML in the search box to access a this site_s UML FAQ. http://www.uml-zone.com/umlfaq.asp This site contains a small UML FAQ maintained by uml-zone.com. ********************************************************* 哈哈&兵燹 最會的2大絕招 這個不會與那個也不會 哈哈哈 粉好 Delphi K.Top的K.Top分兩個字解釋Top代表尖端的意思,希望本討論區能提供Delphi的尖端新知 K.表Knowlege 知識,就是本站的標語:Open our mind to make knowledge together! 希望能大家敞開心胸,將知識寶庫結合一起
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