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TUsersDBExpress Security Component (V1.83 D6)



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名稱:TUsersDBExpress Security Component 版本:V1.83 原始程式:需購買或註冊 適用:(D6) 版權種類:分享軟體(Shareware) 作者:Tools&Comps 原創公司:Tools&Comps 出處網址:http://www.toolsandcomps.com 說明: This component was totally built using the dbExpress data access components introduced with Delphi 6.
TUsersDBExpress Security Component is a powerfull component that allows developers easily add password protection and access control to the resources of Delphi and C Builder applications. In that way, you customers will be safe that unauthorized users won't have access to the application and also that they can restrict the access of some users to certain parts of the application.
The component allows to control the access to the application through a login screen, where the user name and its password are requested. When the component verify the user is valid, it loads the user access configuration from the security database and applies the user's restrictions to the application. Then the component will disable or make invisible all the application's components the user do not have access like like buttons, panels, dbnavigator's buttons, dbgrid's columns, fields, toolbars, menuitems, Action items and virtually any TControl descendant.
It is also posible to register the user's activities like login/logout (that is made automatically) and any other activities like record deletion, insertion or modification with just one line of code.
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系統時間:2024-06-18 2:20:49
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