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Windows Sockets (WinSock) Error Codes



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Windows Sockets (WinSock) Error Codes

 Windows Sockets (WinSock) Error Codes       WSAEINTR               10004   Interrupted system call.
   WSAEBADF               10009   Bad file number.
   WSEACCES               10013   Permission denied.
   WSAEFAULT              10014   Bad address.
   WSAEINVAL              10022   Invalid argument.
   WSAEMFILE              10024   Too many open files/sockets.
   WSAEWOULDBLOCK         10035   Operation would block.
   WSAEINPROGRESS         10036   Operation now in progress. This error is
                                  returned if any Windows Sockets API
                                  function is called while a blocking
                                  function is in progress.
   WSAEALREADY            10037   Operation already in progress.
   WSAENOTSOCK            10038   Socket operation on nonsocket.
   WSAEDESTADDRREQ        10039   Destination address required.
   WSAEMSGSIZE            10040   Message too long.
   WSAEPROTOTYPE          10041   Protocol wrong type for socket.
   WSAENOPROTOOPT         10042   Protocol not available/bad protocol option.
   WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT     10043   Protocol not supported.
   WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT     10044   Socket type not supported.
   WSAEOPNOTSUPP          10045   Operation not supported on socket.
   WSAEPFNOSUPPORT        10046   Protocol family not supported.
   WSAEAFNOSUPPORT        10047   Address family not supported by protocol
   WSAEADDRINUSE          10048   Address already in use.
   WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL       10049   Cannot assign requested address.
   WSAENETDOWN            10050   Network is down. This error may be
                                  reported at any time if the Windows
                                  Sockets implementation detects an
                                  underlying failure.
   WSAENETUNREACH         10051   Network is unreachable.
   WSAENETRESET           10052   Network dropped connection on reset.
   WSAECONNABORTED        10053   Software caused connection abort.
   WSAECONNRESET          10054   Connection reset by peer.
   WSAENOBUFS             10055   No buffer space available.
   WSAEISCONN             10056   Socket is already connected.
   WSAENOTCONN            10057   Socket is not connected.
   WSAESHUTDOWN           10058   Cannot send after socket shutdown.
   WSAETOOMANYREFS        10059   Too many references: cannot splice.
   WSAETIMEDOUT           10060   Connection timed out.
   WSAECONNREFUSED        10061   Connection refused.
   WSAELOOP               10062   Too many levels of symbolic links.
   WSAENAMETOOLONG        10063   File name too long.
   WSAEHOSTDOWN           10064   Host is down.
   WSAEHOSTUNREACH        10065   No route to host.
   WSAENOTEMPTY           10066   Directory not empty.
   WSAEPROCLIM            10067   Too many processes.
   WSAEUSERS              10068   Too many users.
   WSAEDQUOT              10069   Disc quota exceeded.
   WSAESTALE              10070   Stale NFS file handle
   WSAEREMOTE             10071   Too many levels of remote in path.
   WSASYSNOTREADY         10091   Network subsystem is unavailable.
   WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED     10092   Winsock version not supported.
   WSANOTINITIALISED      10093   Winsock not yet initialized.
   WSAEDISCON             10101   Graceful disconnect in progress.
   WSAENOMORE             10102   - (Winsock2)
   WSAECANCELLED          10103   - (Winsock2)
   WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE   10104   - (Winsock2)
   WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER    10105   - (Winsock2)
   WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT 10106   - (Winsock2)
   WSASYSCALLFAILURE      10107   System call failure. (WS2)
   WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND   10108   - (Winsock2)
   WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND      10109   - (Winsock2)
   WSA_E_NO_MORE          10110   - (Winsock2)
   WSA_E_CANCELLED        10111   - (Winsock2)
   WSAEREFUSED            10112   - (Winsock2)
   WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND      11001   Host not found. This message indicates
                                  that the key (name, address, and so on)
                                  was not found.
   WSATRY_AGAIN           11002   Non-authoritative host not found. This
                                  error may suggest that the name service
                                  itself is not functioning.
   WSANO_RECOVERY         11003   Non-recoverable error. This error may
                                  suggest that the name service itself is
                                  not functioning.
   WSANO_DATA             11004   Valid name, no data record of requested
                                  type. This error indicates that the key
                                  (name, address, and so on) was not found.       WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY          Insufficient memory available
   WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED          Overlapped operation aborted
   WSA_IO_INCOMPLETE              Overlapped I/O object not signaled
   WSA_IO_PENDING                 Overlapped I/O will complete later
   WSA_INVALID_PARAMETER          One or more parameters are invalid
   WSA_INVALID_HANDLE             Event object handle not valid
系統時間:2024-09-08 14:06:49
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