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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-06-14 00:58:41 IP:61.142.xxx.xxx 未訂閱


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-06-14 07:35:31 IP:211.74.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
(* -------------------------------------------------- *) (* Num2BCNum  將阿拉伯數字轉成中文<<大寫>>數字字串 (* 使用示例: (*   Num2BCNum(10002.34) ==> 壹萬零貳點參肆 (* (* Author: Wolfgang Chien  (* Date: 1996/08/04 (* Update Date: (* -------------------------------------------------- *) function Num2BCNum(dblArabic: double): string; const _ChineseNumeric = '零壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖'; var sArabic: string; sIntArabic: string; iPosOfDecimalPoint: integer; i: integer; iDigit: integer; iSection: integer; sSectionArabic: string; sSection: string; bInZero: boolean; bMinus: boolean; (* 將字串反向, 例如: 傳入 '1234', 傳回 '4321' *) function ConvertStr(const sBeConvert: string): string; var x: integer; begin Result := ''; for x := Length(sBeConvert) downto 1 do AppendStr(Result, sBeConvert[x]); end; { of ConvertStr } begin Result := ''; bInZero := True; sArabic := FloatToStr(dblArabic); (* 將數字轉成阿拉伯數字字串 *) if sArabic[1] = '-' then begin bMinus := True; sArabic := Copy(sArabic, 2, 254); end else bMinus := False; iPosOfDecimalPoint := Pos('.', sArabic); (* 取得小數點的位置 *) (* 先處理整數的部分 *) if iPosOfDecimalPoint = 0 then sIntArabic := ConvertStr(sArabic) else sIntArabic := ConvertStr(Copy(sArabic, 1, iPosOfDecimalPoint - 1)); (* 從個位數起以每四位數為一小節 *) for iSection := 0 to ((Length(sIntArabic) - 1) div 4) do begin sSectionArabic := Copy(sIntArabic, iSection * 4 1, 4); sSection := ''; (* 以下的 i 控制: 個十百千位四個位數 *) for i := 1 to Length(sSectionArabic) do begin iDigit := Ord(sSectionArabic[i]) - 48; if iDigit = 0 then begin (* 1. 避免 '零' 的重覆出現 *) (* 2. 個位數的 0 不必轉成 '零' *) if (not bInZero) and (i <> 1) then sSection := '零' sSection; bInZero := True; end else begin case i of 2: sSection := '拾' sSection; 3: sSection := '佰' sSection; 4: sSection := '仟' sSection; end; sSection := Copy(_ChineseNumeric, 2 * iDigit 1, 2) sSection; bInZero := False; end; end; (* 加上該小節的位數 *) if Length(sSection) = 0 then begin if (Length(Result) > 0) and (Copy(Result, 1, 2) <> '零') then Result := '零' Result; end else begin case iSection of 0: Result := sSection; 1: Result := sSection '萬' Result; 2: Result := sSection '億' Result; 3: Result := sSection '兆' Result; end; end; end; (* 處理小數點右邊的部分 *) if iPosOfDecimalPoint > 0 then begin AppendStr(Result, '點'); for i := iPosOfDecimalPoint 1 to Length(sArabic) do begin iDigit := Ord(sArabic[i]) - 48; AppendStr(Result, Copy(_ChineseNumeric, 2 * iDigit 1, 2)); end; end; (* 其他例外狀況的處理 *) if Length(Result) = 0 then Result := '零'; if Copy(Result, 1, 2) = '點' then Result := '零' Result; (* 是否為負數 *) if bMinus then Result := '負' Result; end;


#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-06-15 01:01:28 IP:61.142.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
引言: (* -------------------------------------------------- *) (* Num2BCNum 將阿拉伯數字轉成中文<<大寫>>數字字串 (* 使用示例: (* Num2BCNum(10002.34) ==> 壹萬零貳點參肆 (* (* Author: Wolfgang Chien (* Date: 1996/08/04 (* Update Date: (* -------------------------------------------------- *) function Num2BCNum(dblArabic: double): string; const _ChineseNumeric = '零壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖'; var sArabic: string; sIntArabic: string; iPosOfDecimalPoint: integer; i: integer; iDigit: integer; iSection: integer; sSectionArabic: string; sSection: string; bInZero: boolean; bMinus: boolean; (* 將字串反向, 例如: 傳入 '1234', 傳回 '4321' *) function ConvertStr(const sBeConvert: string): string; var x: integer; begin Result := ''; for x := Length(sBeConvert) downto 1 do AppendStr(Result, sBeConvert[x]); end; { of ConvertStr } begin Result := ''; bInZero := True; sArabic := FloatToStr(dblArabic); (* 將數字轉成阿拉伯數字字串 *) if sArabic[1] = '-' then begin bMinus := True; sArabic := Copy(sArabic, 2, 254); end else bMinus := False; iPosOfDecimalPoint := Pos('.', sArabic); (* 取得小數點的位置 *) (* 先處理整數的部分 *) if iPosOfDecimalPoint = 0 then sIntArabic := ConvertStr(sArabic) else sIntArabic := ConvertStr(Copy(sArabic, 1, iPosOfDecimalPoint - 1)); (* 從個位數起以每四位數為一小節 *) for iSection := 0 to ((Length(sIntArabic) - 1) div 4) do begin sSectionArabic := Copy(sIntArabic, iSection * 4 1, 4); sSection := ''; (* 以下的 i 控制: 個十百千位四個位數 *) for i := 1 to Length(sSectionArabic) do begin iDigit := Ord(sSectionArabic[i]) - 48; if iDigit = 0 then begin (* 1. 避免 '零' 的重覆出現 *) (* 2. 個位數的 0 不必轉成 '零' *) if (not bInZero) and (i <> 1) then sSection := '零' sSection; bInZero := True; end else begin case i of 2: sSection := '拾' sSection; 3: sSection := '佰' sSection; 4: sSection := '仟' sSection; end; sSection := Copy(_ChineseNumeric, 2 * iDigit 1, 2) sSection; bInZero := False; end; end; (* 加上該小節的位數 *) if Length(sSection) = 0 then begin if (Length(Result) > 0) and (Copy(Result, 1, 2) <> '零') then Result := '零' Result; end else begin case iSection of 0: Result := sSection; 1: Result := sSection '萬' Result; 2: Result := sSection '億' Result; 3: Result := sSection '兆' Result; end; end; end; (* 處理小數點右邊的部分 *) if iPosOfDecimalPoint > 0 then begin AppendStr(Result, '點'); for i := iPosOfDecimalPoint 1 to Length(sArabic) do begin iDigit := Ord(sArabic[i]) - 48; AppendStr(Result, Copy(_ChineseNumeric, 2 * iDigit 1, 2)); end; end; (* 其他例外狀況的處理 *) if Length(Result) = 0 then Result := '零'; if Copy(Result, 1, 2) = '點' then Result := '零' Result; (* 是否為負數 *) if bMinus then Result := '負' Result; end; 您好:(fengchen) 您提供的方法我試過,并可以通過運行.多謝!
系統時間:2024-09-09 6:29:42
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