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TreeView 可否再不同狀況下 給指派不同節點字型的顏色



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-12-26 17:59:10 IP:202.145.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
如題 我想在展開treeview時 依照某一function傳回值 指派每一節點文字顏色不同 以利user區別 不清楚treeview能否做到 我在d6 demo中有關customdraw 範例中看到的字型顏色變化 全都是指派給整個treeview 不曉得各位高手 是否知道在哪個event動手 或能否給點提示 tks BCDEFHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZ


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-12-31 18:36:54 IP:61.223.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
可改變 TreeView 字型及顏色....等等 procedure TCustomDrawForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FBackgroundColor := clWindow; FDefaultDraw := True; FDefaultDrawItem := True; FBrushStyle := bsSolid; FButtonSize := 5; BkgColorDialog.Color := clWindow; SelBkgColorDialog.Color := clHighlight; TVFontDialog.Font.Assign(TV.Font); SelectedFontDialog.Font.Assign(TV.Font); SelectedFontDialog.Font.Color := clHighlightText; SelBkgColorDialog.Color := clHighlight; TVColorDialog.Color := TV.Color; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.TVCustomDraw(Sender: TCustomTreeView; const ARect: TRect; var DefaultDraw: Boolean); begin //This event should be used to draw any background colors or images. //ARect represents the entire client area of the TreeView. //Use the TreeView's canvas to do the drawing. //Note that drawing a background bitmap is not really supported by CustomDraw, //so scrolling can get messy. Best to subclass the TreeView and handle scrolling //messages. with TV.Canvas do begin if None1.Checked then //no picture begin Brush.Color := BkgColorDialog.Color; Brush.Style := FBrushStyle; FillRect(ARect); end else if Tile1.Checked then //tile bitmap begin Brush.Bitmap := Image1.Picture.Bitmap; FillRect(ARect); end else //Stretch across the canvas. StretchDraw(ARect, Image1.Picture.Bitmap); end; DefaultDraw := FDefaultDraw; //setting DefaultDraw to false here prevents all calls to OnCustomDrawItem. end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.DrawButton(ARect: TRect; Node: TTreeNode); var cx, cy: Integer; begin cx := ARect.Left TV.Indent div 2; cy := ARect.Top (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) div 2; with TV.Canvas do begin Pen.Color := ButtonColorDialog.Color; //draw horizontal line. if Node.HasChildren then begin PenPos := Point(cx FButtonSize, cy); LineTo(ARect.Left TV.Indent FButtonSize, cy); end else begin PenPos := Point(cx, cy); LineTo(ARect.Left TV.Indent FButtonSize, cy); end; //draw half vertical line, top portion. PenPos := Point(cx, cy); LineTo(cx, ARect.Top-1); if ((Node.GetNextVisible <> nil) and (Node.GetNextVisible.Level = Node.Level)) or (Node.GetNextSibling <> nil) then //draw bottom portion of half vertical line. begin PenPos := Point(cx, cy); LineTo(cx, ARect.Bottom 1); end; if Node.HasChildren then begin //Let's try a circular button instead Ellipse(cx-FButtonSize, cy-FButtonSize, cx FButtonSize, cy FButtonSize); //draw the horizontal indicator. PenPos := Point(cx-FButtonSize 2, cy); LineTo(cx FButtonSize-2, cy); //draw the vertical indicator if the node is collapsed if not Node.Expanded then begin PenPos := Point(cx, cy-FButtonSize 2); LineTo(cx, cy FButtonSize-2); end; end; //now connect vertical lines of higher level nodes. Node := Node.Parent; while Node <> nil do begin cx := cx - TV.Indent; if Node.GetNextSibling <> nil then begin PenPos := Point(cx, ARect.Top); LineTo(cx, ARect.Bottom); end; Node := Node.Parent; end; end; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.DrawImage(NodeRect: TRect; ImageIndex: Integer); var cy: Integer; begin cy := NodeRect.Top (NodeRect.Bottom - NodeRect.Top) div 2; //center image in NodeRect. ImageList.Draw(TV.Canvas, NodeRect.Left, cy - TV.Images.Height div 2, ImageIndex, True); end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.TVCustomDrawItem(Sender: TCustomTreeView; Node: TTreeNode; State: TCustomDrawState; var DefaultDraw: Boolean); var NodeRect: TRect; begin with TV.Canvas do begin //If DefaultDraw it is true, any of the node's font properties can be //changed. Note also that when DefaultDraw = True, Windows draws the //buttons and ignores our font background colors, using instead the //TreeView's Color property. if cdsSelected in State then begin Font.Assign(SelectedFontDialog.Font); Brush.Color := SelBkgColorDialog.Color; end; DefaultDraw := FDefaultDrawItem; //DefaultDraw = False means you have to handle all the item drawing yourself, //including the buttons, lines, images, and text. if not DefaultDraw then begin //draw the selection rect. if cdsSelected in State then begin NodeRect := Node.DisplayRect(True); FillRect(NodeRect); end; NodeRect := Node.DisplayRect(False); if None1.Checked then //no bitmap, so paint in the background color. begin Brush.Color := BkgColorDialog.Color; Brush.Style := FBrushStyle; FillRect(NodeRect) end else //don't paint over the background bitmap. Brush.Style := bsClear; NodeRect.Left := NodeRect.Left (Node.Level * TV.Indent); //NodeRect.Left now represents the left-most portion of the expand button DrawButton(NodeRect, Node); NodeRect.Left := NodeRect.Left TV.Indent FButtonSize; //NodeRect.Left is now the leftmost portion of the image. DrawImage(NodeRect, Node.ImageIndex); NodeRect.Left := NodeRect.Left ImageList.Width; //Now we are finally in a position to draw the text. TextOut(NodeRect.Left, NodeRect.Top, Node.Text); end; end; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.TVGetImageIndex(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin if Node.HasChildren then if Node.Expanded then Node.ImageIndex := 3 else Node.ImageIndex := 0 else Node.ImageIndex := 1; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.TVGetSelectedIndex(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin Node.SelectedIndex := Node.ImageIndex; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.Exit1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.Selection1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if SelectedFontDialog.Execute then TV.Repaint; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.Color1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if BkgColorDialog.Execute then TV.Repaint; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.SelectionBackground1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if SelBkgColorDialog.Execute then TV.Repaint; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.Solid1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with Sender as TMenuItem do begin FBrushStyle := TBrushStyle(Tag); Checked := True; end; TV.Repaint; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.None1Click(Sender: TObject); begin (Sender as TMenuItem).Checked := True; TV.Repaint; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.OnCustomDraw1Click(Sender: TObject); begin FDefaultDraw := not FDefaultDraw; OnCustomDraw1.Checked := FDefaultDraw; TV.Repaint; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.OnCustomDrawItem1Click(Sender: TObject); begin FDefaultDrawItem := not FDefaultDrawItem; OnCustomDrawItem1.Checked := FDefaultDrawItem; TV.Repaint; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.TVExpanded(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin TV.Repaint; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.ButtonColor1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ButtonColorDialog.Execute then TV.Repaint; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.ButtonSize1Click(Sender: TObject); var S: string; begin S := IntToStr(FButtonSize); if InputQuery('Change button size', 'Enter new size', S) then FButtonSize := StrToInt(S); TV.Repaint; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.Drawing1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ButtonColor1.Enabled := not OnCustomDrawItem1.Checked; ButtonSize1.Enabled := ButtonColor1.Enabled; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.Color2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if TVColorDialog.Execute then begin TV.Color := TVColorDialog.Color; TV.Repaint; end; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.SetCustomDraw(Value: Boolean); begin if not Value then begin TV.OnCustomDraw := nil; TV.OnCustomDrawItem := nil; end else begin TV.OnCustomDraw := Self.TVCustomDraw; TV.OnCustomDrawItem := Self.TVCustomDrawItem; end; Drawing1.Enabled := Value; TV.Repaint; end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.CustomDraw1Click(Sender: TObject); begin CustomDraw1.Checked := not CustomDraw1.Checked; SetCustomDraw(CustomDraw1.Checked); end; procedure TCustomDrawForm.Font2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if TVFontDialog.Execute then TV.Font.Assign(TVFontDialog.Font); end;


#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2003-01-04 01:01:51 IP:61.223.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
這裡參考資料TreeView的例子,而且是一位大師級寫的,研究一下後,也許您的問題就可以解決了, http://www.marcocantu.com/ddh/ddh15/ddh15f.htm
系統時間:2024-09-10 5:41:19
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