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Web services and peer-to-peer technology



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 IFS - an Internet File System implementation based on Web services and peer-to-peer technology
By Stoyan Damov     Internet File System from scratch - making web services and peer-to-peer technology work together to build a virtual file system 
"        Download source and this article - 205 KB 
"        Latest source code and updated documentation is (will be) available here soon. 
On this page
1.        Introduction 
2.        What is Internet File System? 
a.        The IFS architecture 
b.        Why this IFS is (or will be) cool? 
c.        How it works? 
3.        Using the library 
a.        Peer registration & login 
b.        Working with folders 
c.        Working with files 
4.        The IFS Browser 
5.        Compiling and configuring IFS 
a.        Compilation 
b.        Configuration 
c.        Setting up the IFS database 
6.        About MC  , some tricks 'n' traps 
7.        A thought about warnings I wanted to share... 
8.        TODO(s): Oh, my! 
9.        Conclusion 
10.        Reporting bugs 
11.        Latest changes 
12.        Disclaimer 
You've seen Napster, Gnucleus, Morpheus and the like file-sharing applications. If you haven't, I'm sure you've heard about the exciting peer-to-peer (P2P) technology. I don't doubt you've seen the big hype about web services, but you probably haven't seen anything smarter than an HTML screen-scrapping web service, or one, exposing some proprietary technology or software to the web-aware public.
This article demonstrates a virtual file system, based on P2P and web services, which in all modesty I call "The Internet File System" or IFS. Unfortunately, big articles look bad, so I'll show you how to use the library I've written, and if you are smart, (and I know you are) you'll get the rest from the source code. Have a pleasant reading...
What is Internet File System? 
The Internet File System is an imaginary file system. A real Internet file system could hardly exist, because of the variety of hardware and software platforms (OSes) scattered around the world. The IFS simulates a file system by having a central repository of folder and file links (shortcuts) published by a multitude of computers, known as peers. Peers share files and folders in the repository, but do not use it to actually store the files contents. They communicate to each other instead, to download (copy) the files between themselves.
The IFS Architecture 
In this simple implementation, the repository is managed by the peers via a web service (IFSWS), and the peer-to-peer communication is handled by a P2P framework library (P2PLIB). Because of the complexity to use directly the web service and the P2P framework, I've built a stand-alone P2P server (P2PSRV), which runs on the peer computers and handle all the P2P communication automatically. Furthermore, to hide the details of the IFS implementation, I've built a Internet File System library (IFSLIB) on top of IFSWS and P2PLIB, that exposes an easy to use object model for manipulation of the central repository, as well as easy copy (download) of files between peers.
As you can see on the diagram above, there are two big parties here: the IFS Web Service, and the peers:
The IFS Web Service
It is only responsible for storing and retrieving information - it just serves as a repository. Actually, it registers/unregisters/logs in peers, publishes folders and files and retrieves vital information about the peers, etc., but the coolest part of IFS is done by the library.
The Peers
I'm not a native English speaker, I'm Bulgarian. That's why I cant explain exactly what a peer is. In my dictionary, the word "peer" has just one meaning as a noun, and it is not "a PC connected to the Internet, that can communicated directly whith other PCs, using some communication protocol". However, that's the meaning of peer I've put in this article.
There are 3 things that make the dumb PCs peers - these are the P2P library, the P2P server, and the IFS library. The IFSLIB works on top of the web service, and the P2P server on top of the library.
One can use the IFS library to build any kind of P2P application - GUI-based Windows Explorer-like IFS browser, console tools for automatic/scheduled download of files, etc. I started working on an IFS browser, but due to the limited time (I started this article to enter the web contest) could not finish it. However, I included the crippled demo in the source code, so anyone who likes the idea (and can code in C#) could finish (or rewrite) it. (Now, as I am updating the article, two weeks later, the status of the IFSBrowser is unchanged. That's because I thought that fixing bugs and adding features to the library has a bigger priority at least for me.)
Why this IFS is (or could be) cool? 
Well, you have 3 scenarios when you have to copy a file from one peer to another. To avoid tautology, lets name the interested peer (which wants to download a file) P1, and the owner peer -- P2. 
"        Both peers are not behind firewall 
No problem. P1 pulls the file from P2
"        P2 is behind firewall 
Ooops! P1 can't connect to P2 just that easy. So what can it do? It can execute a web service method that will assign a task to P2 to push the file to P1. The P2P server on P2's PC is scheduled to retrieve its tasks, using the web service. When it gets a push task, it connects to P1 and pushes the file. Is this easy? Yes, and I have almost implemented this feature.
"        Both peers are behind firewall 
Yeaah! What shall we do now? Well, if P1 could assign an upload task to P2, the latter could upload the file, using the web service to the web service's server PC. When P2 is done, it could assign a download task to P1 and the latter will download the file! Voila! This feature is not implemented at all but is very easy to implement. However, because I'm pressed by a DEADline sooooo badly, I don't promise that I'll implement it for the next week... 
How it works? 
How works what?:) OK, I'll try to focus and tell you how the library works. I won't discuss how the basic functionality works, i.e. peer registration, log in, folder and file publishing, etc. These are just entries in the database via the IFS web service. I'll show you how a typical file download works in both of the easier scenarios, i.e. the "no firewalls" and "owner is behind firewall" situations. And because I know you're SMART guys (and I'm so lazy:) I haven't drawn any pictures, so read along... 
No firewalls 
 I'll use P1 and P2 again for the interested and the owner peer. P1 has a IfsFile instance (see library objects below) and calls the Download method. The IfsFile object has a OwnerPeer property, which returns an IfsPeer instance. The latter has an IpEndPoint property, containing the IP address and port of the remote peer. At this moment, the IFS library sends a "library pull" command to the P2P server, running on P1's PC. This command means the the library wants the server to pull a file from a remote peer. The P2P server gets the remote peer's end point from the command, as well as the file name P1 wants to pull and the folder in which to download the file and then sends a "peer pull" command to the remote peer (P2). P2's P2P server accepts the command, gets the file size and CRC (CRC is not implemented) and sends them back the P1. P1 now knows exactly how many bytes to accept and starts to receive the bits P2 sends and write them in the destination folder. After P2 has sent all the bytes and P1 has received them, P1 sends an "OK" response (or "ERROR" if something goes wrong) to P2 and closes the connection. That's pretty much what a download is. 
Owner behind firewall
 P1 assigns a "push task" to P2 via the IFS web service and "thinks" that the file has been downloaded :) At some time, P2's P2P server reads its task via the IFSWS and sees it has a "push task". P2P issues to itself (the task reader is in another thread) a "library push" command. As the peer command listener thread receives the command, it gets the file size and CRC (CRC again is not implemented) and forms a "peer push" command. P2 connects to P1 (the task contains P1's end point) and issues the "peer push" command and starts to stream the file. P1 gets the command, receives the file and stores it in the destination folder, indicated by P2. (P2 knows the destination folder, because P1 has sent it in the "push task".) That's all. 
Using the library 
There's a long way to go until you actually start using the library, but we'll get to that stuff (Compiling and configuring IFS) soon. Now I just want to show you how easy it is to use IFSLIB.
The library consists of only 4 classes, that hide everything about peer-to-peer and web services stuff: IfsSystem, IfsPeer, IfsFolder and the IfsFile. 
In order to use IFS (after it is already set up), you should register in the repository as a peer. There's nothing easier than that, like you'll see in a moment, but I'll warn you something first: unless you have registered or logged in as a peer with IFS, you won't be able to use the IFS's most important object - the IfsSystem object. It is implemented as singleton to avoid having multiple instances of IFS peers on the same peer computer. If you actually try to use even the simpliest property of the IfsSystem class, you'll get a runtime exception, stating that you haven't logged in/registered with IFS.
First, you have to register as a new peer:
// first, you'll have to get a "handle" of the IFS singleton object
IfsSystem __gc* ifs = IfsSystem::Instance;    // now you can register
IfsPeer __gc* peer = ifs->RegisterPeer (
  S"Stoyan Damov",  // alias
  S"Stoyan",        // login name
  S"Secret",        // password
  S"BG",            // country code (unused in this version)
  false);           // behind firewall or NAT?
Of course, you may not register more than one time in IFS (unless you're prepared for exceptions), so once you have registered, the next time you should sign in:
IfsPeer __gc* peer = ifs->LoginPeer (S"Stoyan", S"Secret");
// in fact you can throw the peer away, you won't use it for
// anything, except for examining its properties
A peer (IfsPeer instance) has the following properties:
"        ID - the unique peer ID in IFS 
"        Alias - peer's human-readable name 
"        Login - visible only to the peer (other peers see empty string) 
"        Password - ditto 
"        IPEndPoint - peer's IP address and port 
"        BehindFirewall - indicates whether the peer is behind firewall or NAT, i.e. whether the peer's PC is "visible" or externally "connectable":) 
Once you've registered or logged in, you can start using the IfsSystem object's properties, the most important (and usable) of which is the RootFolder property, which returns an IfsFolder object, representing the virtual root folder.
Working with folders 
You can get the root folder just that easy:
IfsFolder __gc* root = ifs->RootFolder;
Each folder (including the root one has several properties):
"        ID - the unique folder ID in IFS 
"        Name 
"        Description 
"        OwnerPeer - the IfsPeer object, owner of the folder 
"        ParentFolder - the parent IfsFolder (evaluated on request and cached) 
"        PeerFolderPath - the physical folder on the owner peer's PC 
"        VirtualPath - the IFS logical path (evaluated on request and cached) 
"        Published - a boolean flag, indicating whether the folder has been published or is brand new IfsFolder instance 
After you get to the root folder, there are many things you can do with it:
"        publish a sub-folder in it 
"        get all of its sub-folders 
"        find sub-folders having a specified name (recursively) 
"        publish a file in it 
"        get all of its files 
"        find files having a specified name (recursively) 
Actually you can perform these actions with all folder objects you get a pointer to, and you can very easily get an arbitrary folder like this:
IfsFolder __gc* folder = IfsFolder::GetFolderByPath (S"./Docs/PDF");
Below, I am giving some examples of the fore-mentioned operations, and once you've seen them, you can move to some useful static methods of the IfsFolder class.
You can publish a folder into an existing one:
IfsFolder __gc* subFolder = root->PublishFolderHere (
    S"Description", // may be omitted in an overload
    S"c:\\physical\\folder\\path");    // and for more fun:
IfsFolder __gc* subSub = (root->PublishFolderHere (
    S"Description", // may be omitted in an overload
    S"c:\\physical\\folder"))->PublishFolderHere (
or publish a brand new folder:
// when you know the destination path
IfsFolder __gc* folder = new IfsFolder (
        S"Description", // may be omitted in an overload
folder->Publish ("./target/virtual/path");    // when you have the destination folder object
folder->Publish (targetFolder);
The lazy guys (this includes me) can publish folders using the static methods:
IfsFolder __gc* folder = IfsFolder::PublishFolder (
    S"Description", // may be omitted in an overload
Oooh, I forgot to tell you how do you rename a folder
// I assume you got one already
folder->RenameTo (S"NewFolderName"); // wow! how difficult :)
There may (or may not) exist other methods (either static or instance ones) for publishing a folder, but I think these were enough to show you how easy it is done. Now, its time to see what you can do with the published folders:
You can find sub-folders:
// the statement below will return all folders, arbitrary level
// below the "folder" one, which name is "docs" (recursively)
ArrayList __gc* folders = folder->FindSubFolders (S"docs");
or get all folders:
// this statement will return all folders below the "folder" object
ArrayList __gc* folders = folder->GetFolders ();
or even find folders in the entire IFS:
ArrayList __gc* folders = IfsFolder::FindFolders (S"docs");
// the above is equivalent to:
ArrayList __gc* folders = root->FindSubFolders (S"docs");
Working with files 
In the previous version of the article, I forgot to write a lot of things about the files. I forgot to tell you that a file (IfsFile) has some useful properties:
"        ID - the unique file ID in IFS 
"        Name - the file's name (w/o path) 
"        Description - guess what:) 
"        OwnerPeer - the IfsPeer object, that owns the file:) 
"        PeerFilePath - the full path (including the file name) in the owner peer's PC 
"        Folder - the IfsFolder object, where the file resides 
"        Published - a boolean flag, indicating whether the file has been published or is brand new IfsFile instance 
Again, in the previous article, I mentioned that the IfsFolder has several instance and static methods to publish a folder and a file. Do you know why the folder should publish a file, and not a file publish itself? Because I was stupid. I was not able to use the IfsFolder class in the IfsFile one, because I would create a cyclic header include. Every C   programmer knows s/he should not include the header, but rather just declare the class in the header like class __gc* IfsFolder;. That's what I did then, but it didn't work and I thought that either I suck, or Visual C   does. Well, I suck, but let me tell you why. I forgot that all classes in the IFS library were wrapped in two namespaces. That's why either I should have written class __gc* IfsFolder; inside the namespaces of the "IfsFile.h" header, or wrap the declaration in the namespaces, like this: namespace InternetFileSystem { namespace Library { public __gc class IfsFolder; }}. So, that's what I did, and now the IfsFile class has six instance or static methods for publishing.
You can create a brand new file like this:
IfsFile __gc* file = new IfsFile (
        S"file description", // may be omitted in an overload
And publish it like that:
// a) calling the static Publish method (laziest)
IfsFile __gc* file = IfsFile::Publish (
        S"file description", // may be omitted in an overload
// b) calling another static Publish method (you should have an 
// IfsFolder before that) assuming you have the targetFolder, 
// which is an instance of the IfsFolder class
IfsFile __gc* file = IfsFile::Publish (
        S"file description", // may be omitted in an overload
// c) You have a brand new file and you want to publish it
file->Publish (S"./ifs/target/path/");    // d) You have a brand new file and an IfsFolder instance 
//   (targetFolder);
file->Publish (targetFolder);
You can get an IfsFile object in several ways:
// get the file (assuming you have the folder already)
IfsFile __gc* file = folder->GetFile (S"readme.txt");    // get a folder's files
ArrayList __gc* files = folder->GetFiles ();    // or search in the whole IFS for a given file
ArrayList __gc* files = IfsFolder::FindFiles (S"readme.txt");    // now you get a file like this:
IfsFile __gc* file = static_cast (files->get_Item (0));
The typical scenario is to download a file from a remote peer:
// this may not happen instantly
file->Download (S"c:\\local\\folder");
Now, a file's folder is just its property Folder. 
IfsFolder __gc* folder = file->Folder; // easier, I think :) 
And finally, guess how a file is renamed... I'll leave it to your imagination, but the method should look like RenameTo:)
There are more instance and static methods of the IfsFolder and the IfsFile classes but you can see and learn them by browsing the source code.
The IFS Browser 
Well, I tried to write a big example of how you can use the library. It is (will be) a fully fledged Windows Explorer-like IFS browser, and I called it "IFS Browser" :). I ran out of time, so I couldn't finish it, but I've implemented the basic functionality: 
"        Register peer 
"        Login peer 
"        Address bar, where you can type IFS URLs, e.g. ifs://pub/docs/ 
"        A folder tree at the left - it works and it expand folders on demand 
"        A file list at the right - it works and can rename files 
"        Up one folder toolbar button 
"        The menus and the toolbar buttons I think its worth to have (most of them do not work yet) 
"        See the Latest changes section for more... 
You can implement all the other features in a couple of hours, believe me! However, I'll implement them next week, so if you can wait, you'll get everything for free. Below is a screenshot of the IFS Browser in action:
Compiling and configuring IFS 
If you own a copy of Visual Studio .NET you don't have to do much than compiling the solution file. But if you don't own one, please, do your self a BIG favor and buy it, otherwise you'll have to wait a week, until I finish version 2 of this article and explain the manual command-line compilation. 
Open the solution file in VS .NET and build it. This step will produce the following binaries in the Bin folder: 
"        IFSBrowser.exe - the Windows Explorer-like IFS browser 
"        InternetFileSystem.P2PServer.exe - the peer-to-peer server 
"        IFSWebService.dll - the IFS web service proxy 
"        InternetFileSystem.Library.dll - the library you'd use 
"        InternetFileSystem.P2PFramework.dll - the framework, used by P2PSRV 
"        InternetFileSystemWebService.dll - the IFS web service 
Except to change the ConnectionString setting, explained below I can't remember anything else. There's a configuration file, that will be created automatically by the P2P library (and the IFS library will add your IP address to it), where you can change some parameters to fit your needs: 
"        Port - this is the port #, the P2P server will listen on (don't touch it, unless you touch it everywhere and every peer in the network does the same) 
"        P2PFmkNamespace - this is the name of the namespace, where the P2P framework classes reside, and is used by the server to instantiate the appropriate type, when a request comes. If you change the namespace of the peer-to-peer library, you should change this setting as well. 
"        ThreadSleepTime - this is the sleep time in milliseconds, which the server's worker thread sleeps, waiting for requests on each loop 
"        ThreadJoinTime - this is the timeout in milliseconds given to the server to stop, until the thread is forcefully aborted 
The config file will be created in the common application folder, that's X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ on Windows 2K and above. 
Setting up the IFS database 
I've chosen Microsoft SQL Server for the back-end of the IFS Web Service, because: 
"  I love Microsoft :) 
"  I have more experience with MS SQL Server, than with any other database, although even XML or plain text files could suffice to run the IFS (but you have to change a lot of the web service code) 
The IFS database is so simple, that a simpler database could hardly exist. Just look at the picture below and see why:
I think I shouldn't explain anything here, should I?
Now, to setup the database you just have to run 1 SQL script in your favorite tool (osql, isql, isqlw [Query Analyzer]). The script's name is InstallDatabase.sql and resides in the Database folder of the zipped source code. It will create a database, called "IFS", its tables and stored procedures. NOTE: you'll have to edit the InstallDatabase.sql script and modify the physical location of the database, because I had no time to even write a simple parameterized batch file. That's it. In order for the IFSWS to work with the database, you have to change the ConnectionString setting in the  section of the Web Service's web.config file. I guess that's all you should do. To uninstall the database, run the UninstallDatabase.sql script or manually drop the database (which is what the script does).
About MC  , some tricks 'n' traps 
Why I've written IFS in Managed C  ?
I've read and learned the "Managed extensions for C  " specification and the migration guide as soon as Microsoft released them to the public. However, I am a full-time developer and I don't have the time to play around with MC  , because of the "mission impossible"-deadlines, because I study a lot more stuff (e.g. preparing for 2 MCSD .NET exams, learning HLA, MASM, ATL/WTL 7, ATL Server, etc.) and last, but not the least, I have to pay attention (or whatever you call it :) to my wife. So I just wanted to practice MC  , and believe me, it was quite unpleasant to switch from C# (daily job) to MC   (nightly fun) and vice-versa. IFS is my first > 100 LOC MC   work (actually it is >5000 LOC), and I'm thankful to Chris Maunder for setting up the Web development contest, helping me practice MC  .
In my opinion, MC   is no more powerful than C# if you only use the .NET Framework and the managed extensions (w/o IJW and unmanaged code). It is actually slower to write MC   code and you will forget the __gc* quite often on your first 2,000 MC   lines of code. Furthermore, you will get sick with Microsoft's pervert syntax for functions, returning managed arrays, like: unsigned char ReturnsManagedCharArray () __gc[];. However, VC   .NET is the best choice for writing either managed or unmanaged applications, because you actually have two languages, and an arsenal of SDKs. 
Tricks and Traps
Well, the thoughts I'm about to share, are not big tricks for those, who already have experience with the .NET framework and MC  , but I know there are some guys, which will appreciate them, and I wrote these, before I wrote this paragraph:) You may also want to know that I've hidden a MC   compiler bug in the text, so keep reading...
"        Playing around with .NET since Beta 1, I found myself reinventing the wheel more than an year later (now), which is one of the worst things one may do as a programmer. Because I had no experience with the network classes, I've almost re-implemented the NetworkStream and a couple of other classes. It was no fun, and I felt damn stupid when I saw them in the docs. Do not be tempted to re-invent the wheel. Don't excuse yourself, saying you have no time to read and learn everything (like I do:). You have to. It will do you only good, believe me. 
"        Do not expose your __gc classes's destructors with the public modifier, or you'll see funny dtor() methods in the C#'s IDE. And then, learn the usage of two visibility modifiers (e.g. private public to hide the internal (assembly) methods from the the public. 
"        Do not forget the "get_" part on your properties, and do not forget the __property keyword infront :). Then, remember that __property wants to stay before the static keyword. Fate. 
"        If you wrap your streams with reader/writers, let them own the stream. That will save you from closing both, as closing the latter will also close the underlying stream. This applies to the NetworkStream as well, which closes the underlying socket. 
"        Do not omit the "S" prefix on hardcoded strings, or you will get errors from the compiler, which tend to point to the right place, but show strange messages sometimes. Furthermore, if you have N S"Hello" strings, they will all point to the same String __gc* object (I guess only if you have turned string interning ON) 
"        Reflection, in my opinion, is one of the coolest features of .NET. Learn and know them, as they can get very handy sometimes (see the Server class' HandleRequest method to see reflection in action, saving the otherwise inevitable switch [the switch is faster than reflection though]). 
"        You can kill me for this, but do use gotos when other techniques will kill you. (Imagine you want to check N conditions in a try-catch-__finally block and if the conditions are not met, you want to exit from the try block, but execute some code after the __finally block. What will you do, huh? Have N ifs nested? Invent a break_block keyword? :) I even saw Jeff Richter using goto to exit to the end of a try-catch block. 
"        For Microsoft's sake, do not rename your web service's files. Think up the service name before you write it in the IDE's dialog box, please! I had tons of problems! 
"        Do not modify the automatically created VS.NET files, related to web services (.config, .asmx, .disco), etc. in the folder they were deployed. Modify them in your project's folder - otherwise, VC   .NET will detect the changes and will overwrite them, the next time you recompile the WS. 
"        Here's the compiler bug: use static_cast to unbox enums. Do not use dynamic_cast or __try_cast or the compiler will crash. I though I found this bug first, but once I posted it, I learned that someone else found it a month ago :) 
A thought about warnings I wanted to share... 
I dreamed several months ago (don't laugh) that I've invented a new programming language (as if the current are not enough) and in my dream I named it "p". I guess it has C  -like syntax, but it was very strange, because it had no control statements like do/while/for, etc. Instead, it had built-in algorithms (like those in STL) that fit every case in the world:) And one of the MOST cool features was that "p" could throw exceptions and warnings! In fact, I think high-level languages like C#/VB/Java... deserve such a feature. Just imagine you have a method that expects some parameters, examines them but decides to do its job in a more efficient way, ignoring the parameters you've passed to it. It could throw a warning, and you could catch it only if you are interested in it, like this: 
void IntelligentMethod (int someHintValue)
        int aBetterValue = CalulateBetterValue (someHintValue);
        if (aBetterValue != someHintValue)
                warn (new Warning (S"Ignoring someHintValue"));
        // ...proceed with aBetterValue
Yes, I know it could be done very easy with events, but its just not the same, just as typing op_Equality is not the same as typing ==. And really, I miss HRESULTs! We don't have a severity, facility, etc. We don't even have some code. I know I could write my own ApplicationException-derived exception with code, etc. but the inevitable switch on the code will suck and will break the idea of catching the right (and expected exceptions) like: 
catch (MyException) { /* handle it */ }
catch (YourException) { /* ditto */ }
In fact, this could be achieved in the following way: 
// the base exceptions
public __gc class CriticalSeverityException : public Exception { ... };
public __gc class MediumSeverityException : public Exception { ... };
public __gc class LowSeverityException : public Exception { ... };    // the specific ones
public __gc class OutOfDiskSpaceException : public CriticalSeverityException { ... };
public __gc class AccessDeniedException : public CriticalSeverityException { ... };
public __gc class BusinessLogicException : public MediumSeverityException { ... };
// the one below is something like a warning...
public __gc class NearQuotaLimitException : public LowSeverityException { ... };
and now, we can handle the exceptions in the following manner: 
        // do something, throwing exceptions
// this will catch both OutOfDiskSpace and AccessDenied exceptions
catch (CriticalSeverityException __gc* e) { /* whatever */ }
catch (BusinessLogicException __gc* e) { /* catch specific one */ }
// catches all LowSeverity exceptions
catch (LowSeverityException __gc* e) { /* ... */ }
__finally { /* ... */ }
I'd really like to see one day a construct like this (or not exactly like this): 
        // do something wich throws exceptions and raises warnings
catch_warning (SpecificWarning __gc* w) { /* handle warning */ }
catch (Exception __gc*) { /* ... */ }
But enough. I must have lost my mind :) If you have some thoughts, share them with me, and please comment on this one. I really want to know if someone else thinks that ANY language needs warnings. 
TODO(s): Oh, my! 
I don't even want to start this section, but I have to. I want to share with you what I wanted to put in IFS, but as it was developed for the contest, I had no time. I will (eventually) add many more features once I have some free time (which is never), but for those enthusiasts, who want to improve on it, here's the (LONG) list: 
"        you can't see them in the DB ERD, but they exist! -- the tables Attributes, FileAttributes and FolderAttributes. I though that it would be very stupid to expand the Files and Folders tables for some properties like size, author, last accessed, blah blah, etc. So I initially designed the tables to support attributed files and folders, but haven't implemented them in the IFS web service (though I've implemented the prototypes in the IFS library). So it will be cool to implement them one day (may be the day before I retire :)) 
"        search for folders and files with wildcards ("*", "?") 
"        ditto, with regular expressions (like in Linux) 
"        copy (download) a whole folder (  recursively) - actually this one is easy, one just have to use the IFSLIB to traverse and copy the folder 
"        upload/download Peer tasks to handle the "the 2 Peers are behind a firewall" situation 
"        if 2 or more peers had registered the same file and a peer asks for it, IFSWS should choose the closest peer (maybe based on the CountryCode field) - currenly, neither the "single-file-owned-by-multiple-peers", nor "choosing-the-closest-peer" is implemented 
"        write a full featured IFS Browser (GUI File manager) 
"        write a Peer-to-Peer server in ANSI C/C  , so the Linux guys can use the IFS too 
"        handle SOCKS proxy, SSL connections, etc. 
"        a virtual file system of such magnitute can't go live without some sort of load balancing - however, neither I have a bunch of computers (hey, I live in Bulgaria :), nor I have the time to convert the current IFS to a super-duper scalable one 
"        I can think up at least 20 more features... 
Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences. [William Strunk Jr.]
Because I'm faaaar away from a vigorous writer, thank you for reading the article! It was my first article and I found that I write code 10 times faster than plain text :) Frankly, I envy the famous book writers - they should be really smart guys! Now, about the article: I hope you saw how easy it is to use the IFS library. If you examine the source code, coming with the article, you'll see how easy is to implement a simple Internet File System. I've written it in a week in two weeks (now it is updated) in my spare time (which is my sleep time), and I'm not a typist, so you can do it for even lesser time. That's .NET - a RAD framework fo
系統時間:2024-09-10 6:09:52
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