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ActionBands Update for Delphi 6.02(Public Beta:)



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這是Delphi 6.02 的 Beta 更新修正版 原文說明如下: Abstract:This is an update to the ActionBands feature of Delphi 6.02. It includes bug fixes and several feature enhancements to improve the usability and extensibility of Description of Public Beta This file updates the ActionBands feature of Delphi 6.0 with bug fixes and feature enhancements. The patch applies specifically to the Delphi 6.02 Professional and Enterprise level products. If you do not use the ActionBands features of VCL, this update is unnecessary.   ActionBands.    Bug Fixes: (修正下列錯誤)
  • Addressed issues of aligned actionbands not sizing correctly
  • Fixed problems enabling the menu button that appears at the end of the TActionToolBar
  • Fixed logic that determines if there are linked actionlists
  • Fixed hints so that they now show shortcuts if that feature is enabled from the Customize dialog
  • Fixed the OnPaint event of TCustomActionBar so that it now fires
  • Fixed hotkey '&' stripping logic
  • Fixed problems with the ChangesAllow property where items would stay disabled after using the customize dialog.
  • Fix a problem where actionbars were not invalidated after items were removed which caused a painting problem if the actionbar had a background bitmap set
  • Fixed design item selection logic
  • Fixed a problem in menu expansion logic for items with submenus
  • Fixes for menu item selection logic for improved IDE designtime support
  • Fixed a problem where ActionBands were not repainted after being disconnected from the ActionManager particularly when there is a background bitmap
  • Fixed a problem where calling TCustomActionManager.ResetActionbar didn't refresh an actionbar correctly
  • Fixed control painting for large icon ActionItem controls on an ActionBar with a background image
  • Fixed problems where menus didn't display correct for large font sizes.
  • Fixed a problem where menu items were not resetting usage data correctly upon being selected
  • Published Canvas property on TActionToolbar
  • Improved some of the drawing logic to make it easier to inherit new actionbands and implement custom drawing styles.
  • Added a drag separator button to the Customize dialog to make it easy to create separators
  • Improved drag/drop logic on TCustomActionBar
  • Made the drawbackground logic easier to implement custom handling in a descendant class
  • Made TCustomActionPopupMenu.PositionPopup virtual so descendants can control the position of popup menus.
  • Changed TCustomActionMainMenuBar to gray items when the application does not have focus (new feature in W2K)
  • Improved the menu handling logic for multi-form applications
  • Simplified menu processing logic
  • Improved keyboard handling of menus in IDE designtime
  • Moved some of the menu style logic down into StdActnMenus to make descendant menu classes eaiser to write
  • Simplified TCustomMenuItem painting logic leaving more flexibility for individual menu styles
  • Added Before/After customize events to TCustomizeActionBars action
  • Made TCustomActionManager.GetActionxxx method virtual to improve extensibility
  • Changed TCustomizeActionBar action to make the Customize dialog a sub component providing design-time access to its properties
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