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(新手問題)請問安裝完kylix3之後 怎麼執行 os是fedora 3



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-04-30 21:39:40 IP:220.142.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
請問安裝完kylix3之後 怎麼執行呢 請各位大大告訴我一下 謝謝^^


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-05-02 19:44:14 IP:202.39.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
參考這篇吧, step by step 的: http://groups.google.com.tw/groups?q=kylix3+%2B+fedora&hl=zh-TW&lr=&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2005-04,GGLD:zh-TW&selm=41fe712e%241%40newsgroups.borland.com&rnum=4 =============================================================== Hey all!    Here's a step-by-step article that I created with a lot of help from  these newsgroups. I'm sure I probably do some redundant fixes, or do  things that aren't effective at all, but here's a document I wrote up  for the company I work for so that we can continue compiling older C++  apps that we wrote in Kylix. It walks through from a fresh install of  FC3 all the way up to running and compiling with Kylix. Keep in mind  that I had also put together a CD of patches for people to install along  with this, but really it's just a CD that I burned with most of the  applicable patches from Andreas Hausladen's website. (Btw Andreas, YOU  ROCK! Thanks for all of the great work, we really appreciate it!) So anyway, if you use a little bit of deductive reasoning, you can  figure out which patches I'm installing from Andreas's website. I don't  feel it's worth me uploading an .iso of the CD, though if anyone has  trouble, please feel free to e-mail me.    Creating a Kylix3 Development Environment on Fedora Core 3 Step by step instructions    Document assembled by Clint Herron First revision, Dec 10th, 2004    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1: Installing Fedora Core 3 (FC3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------    1) Insert the Fedora Core 3 CD 1 of 4 into a bootable CD-ROM drive and  restart the machine. (Alt: If you have the Core3 DVD, you can install off of that also, but  this example will use the CD's)    2) When presented with the initial boot screen, press  to install in graphical mode. 3) Select "Skip" when presented to test the CD media before installation. (you can do this if you want, but I find it to be unnecessary) Welcome Screen 4) It should then load X-Server and welcome you to Fedora Core. Click "Next". Language Selection 5) Ensure English (English) is selected, and click "Next" Keyboard Configuration 6) Ensure U.S. English is selected, and click "Next" Upgrade Examine It well then search for existing installations. If it finds one, it will ask you if you want to upgrade the existing installation or to do a fresh install. I recommend "Install Fedora Core" to do a fresh install. 7) If applicable, select "Install Fedora Core" and click "Next" Installation Type 8) Select "Custom" and then click "Next" Disk Partitioning Setup 9) This will vary from system to system. You know how your own system is setup (if you have dual-boot, etc). You need a minimum of 10 gigs free for this setup configuration. However, we'll walk you through how I did it on my own dual-boot system. I clicked "Manually partition with Disk Druid" and clicked Next. If you do it differently or automatically, feel free to skip down to section 10, Boot Loader Configuration. Disk Setup I already had a 18 gig ext3 partition for my previous Linux installation, so I select that and continue. I also have a 2 gig extended partition that I use for my swap partition. 9a) Select the partition that you want to install FC3 on, make sure it has a mount point of "/" and that you reformat existing data. The file system type should be ext3. Once you have done this, ensure that partition is selected and click "Next" Format Warnings 9b) If you chose to reformat your partition, it will prompt you to confirm the reformatting. Click "Format" to continue. Boot Loader Configuration 10) Ensure that your labels are as you wish. For my dual-boot system, I click on the entry labeled "Other", click "Edit", changed the label to "Windows XP", set it as the default boot target, and click "OK" to save my settings to that boot option. The settings for the Fedora Core installation should be fine. Click "Next" to continue. Network Configuration 11) This should be fine. Ensure that your network device is checked to be Active on Boot, then click "Next" to continue. Firewall Configuration 12) Ensure tha "Enable firewall" is selected, and check "Remote Login (SSH)". Additional Language Support 13) None other than English (USA) are needed at this time, click "Next". Time Zone Selection 14) For Elkhart, select "America/Indianapolis", then click "Next" Set Root Password 15) For development machines, I choose to use "hcjbeng". Enter that in both boxes, then click "Next" It will then read package information. Package Group Selection 16) Scroll to the near the bottom of the list and select "Miscellaneous->Everything". Click "Next" About to Install 17) Click "Next" to begin installation of Fedora Core Required Install Media 18) Ensure that you have all 4 installation discs on-hand, then click "Continue" to proceed with installation. Go get a cup of coffee or something -- hopefully you have other things to do for the next hour or so. Be sure to check back often in order to switch installation media. 19) When the installation is complete, click "Reboot" to reboot the system. Be sure to select Fedora Core in the boot loader when it comes up! You'll only have 3 seconds to select it. We're not done with installation yet -- now comes the 2nd phase. Welcome 20) Click "Next" to proceed from the welcome screen. License Agreement 21) If you are unfamiliar with the GPL, read the license agreement. When you agree to the terms of the license, select "Yes, I agree to the License Agreement", then click "Next" to proceed. Date and Time 22) Ensure the correct date is set, then switch to the tab "Network Time Protocol". 23) Check "Enable Network Time Protocol 24) Clear the list of NTP Servers (h156233.upc-h.chello.nl, zids4-en1.unizh.ch and levy.catalyst.net.nz) 25) Select "clock.redhat.com" from the drop-down list, then click "Add" 26) Select "clock2.redhat.com" from the drop-down list, then click "Add" 27) Click "Next" to continue. Display 28) Set your resolution to at least 1024x768 (You can do higher if you wish, but keep in mind that not all monitors running our product will be able to display more than 1024x768) System User 29) Create a user account with the following specs: Username: dev Full Name: Developer Password: hcjbeng Confirm Password: hcjbeng Sound Card 30) Play the test sound and comfirm that your sound card is working. Then click "Next". (Note, this step is not necessary) Additional CD's 31) Click "Next" to skip installing any additional CD's Finish Setup 32) Click "Next" to finish setup. Congratulations! FC3 is now installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2: Installing Kylix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) If you have not yet logged in, log in with the root account (username: root password: hcjbeng) 2) Click on the Hat icon, go to System Tools, then drag "Terminal" onto the top-menu bar, just to the right of OpenOffice Calc. 3) Insert the Kylix3 CD into the CD-ROM drive 4) Click on the new Terminal icon to open up a terminal window. 5) Type "cd /media/cdrom" and press . If you're installing from a CDRW drive, the directory may be "/media/cdrecorder" At this point you may want to read the installation notes by typing "less INSTALL". Use the arrow keys to scroll, and press "q" to quit. 6) Type "./setup.sh" and press 7) After agreeing to the terms of the Borland License Agreement, click "I Agree". 8) Keep all settings at default and click "Begin Install". Install path: /usr/local/kylix3 Link path: /usr/local/bin 9) Once installation is finished, click "Exit". 10) In the command prompt, type "cd ..", then 11) In the command prompt, type "eject cdrom", then (unless you're installing from a cd recorder, in which case you type "eject cdrecorder" 12) Put the Kylix3 CD back in the jewel-case and insert the CD that contains the Kylix3 Patches that Clint put together. 13) Type "cd cdrom\kylix_fixes\glibc_compat" and press 14) Type "rpm -vih compat-glibc-6.2-" and press 15) Type "cd .." 16) Type "cp -R k3patches.nc ~/Desktop/k3patches.nc" 17) Type "cd ~/Desktop/k3patches.nc" 18) Type "./installpatch" Don't worry about the errors -- we just don't have that package installed. 19) Type "cd /media/cdrom/ilinkPatch" 20) Type "./ilinkPatch /usr/local/kylix3" to install the ilinkPatch which fixes the failed assertion when linking. 21) Type "vi /usr/local/kylix3/bin/startbcb" 22) Press the down arrow once, then press "i" to go into insert mode 23) Type "export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1", then press 24) Type ":wq" to exit Vi 25) Type "cd /media/cdrom/kylix_fixes/k3fix/" 26) Type "./installpatch" 27) Type "echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/legacy_va_layout" 28) Type "startbcb" Wait for it to generate the font matrix 29) Click "Register" 30) Click "Next 31) Enter in the serial number and authorization key 32) Once you agree to the terms, click "I accep the terms and conditions.", then click "Next" 33) Click "Register Later" 34) A "Confirm" dialog box will come up, though it may be behind the software registration wizard window (in which case you need to drag the registration window out of the way), then click "OK" 35) Click on the menu Project->Options. 36) Click on the tab "Directories/Conditionals". 37) Click on the ellipsis (...) on the "Include Path" line. 38) Type "/usr/i386-glibc21-linux/include" in the path line, then click "Add" to add it to the list. Then select it and use arrow keys to move it to the top of the list. This ensures that it will use the compatability library for glibc. 39) Select "/usr/include" and press the up arrow until it is 2nd in the list. Then click "OK". 40) Click on the ellipsis (...) on the "Library Path" line. 41) Type "/usr/i386-glibc21-linux/lib" in the path line, then click "Add" to add it to the list. Then select it and use arrow keys to move it to the top of the list. This ensures that it will use the compatability library for glibc. 42) Select "/usr/lib" and press on the up arrow until it is 2nd in the list. Then click "OK". 43) Check the "Default" checkbox, then click "OK". You should be all set! Again, e-mail me with any questions. cherron at hcjbeng dot org. Respectfully, clint -- hagar.


#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-07-07 09:55:50 IP:220.134.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
我按照這些步驟... 的確是可以執行了... 不過還是有一個問題... 就是編譯時會出現錯誤訊息... [Linker Fatal Error] Fatal Error: Linker CREATE Failed 這個要怎麼解決呢... 麻煩各位大大...
系統時間:2024-10-05 22:23:13
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