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請高手幫忙看一下這個 button 元件



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-05-30 16:07:15 IP:219.84.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
大家好: 同事寫了一個 button 的元件 但在 98 和 ME 執行後,動態換圖片幾次後會出錯(原因還找不到) 想請大家幫忙看看以下的程式是否有缺失,謝謝    GoodButton.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef GoodButtonH #define GoodButtonH //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include  #include #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TPictureIndex : public TPersistent { private: TNotifyEvent FOnChange; int FUp, FOver, FDown, FDisable; int FPictureCount; protected: virtual void __fastcall SetDisable(int value); virtual void __fastcall SetDown(int value); virtual void __fastcall SetPictureCount(int value); virtual void __fastcall SetOver(int value); virtual void __fastcall SetUp(int value); public: __fastcall TPictureIndex(); __fastcall ~TPictureIndex(); //virtual void __fastcall Assign(TPersistent *value); __published: __property int PictureCount = {read = FPictureCount, write = SetPictureCount, default = 2}; __property int Disable = {read = FDisable, write = SetDisable, default = 0}; __property int Down = {read = FDown, write = SetDown, default = 0}; __property int Over = {read = FOver, write = SetOver, default = 0}; __property int Up = {read = FUp, write = SetUp, default = 0}; __property TNotifyEvent OnChange = {read = FOnChange, write = FOnChange}; }; enum TTransparentState {tsNone, tsLook, tsFull}; class PACKAGE TGoodButton : public TGraphicControl { private: AnsiString FCaption; TFont *FFont; TPicture *FPicture; TPictureIndex *FPictureIndex; TColor FTransparentColor; TTransparentState FTransparentState; bool FChecked; bool FShowCaption; bool isDown, isOver; int pictureIndex; protected: virtual void __fastcall SetCaption(AnsiString value); virtual void __fastcall SetChecked(bool value); void __fastcall SetEnabled(bool value); virtual void __fastcall SetFont(TFont *value); virtual void __fastcall SetShowCaption(bool value); virtual void __fastcall SetPicture(TPicture *value); virtual void __fastcall SetPictureIndex(TPictureIndex *value); virtual void __fastcall SetTransparentColor(TColor value); virtual void __fastcall SetTransparentState(TTransparentState value); void __fastcall FontChanged(TObject *Sender); virtual void __fastcall PictureChanged(TObject *); virtual void __fastcall PictureIndexChanged(TObject *Sender); virtual void __fastcall Modified(bool force); bool __fastcall IsTransparentColor(int X, int Y); virtual void __fastcall WndProc(TMessage &Message); void __fastcall Paint(void); TNotifyEvent FOnMouseEnter, FOnMouseLeave; public: __fastcall TGoodButton(TComponent* Owner); virtual __fastcall ~TGoodButton(); __published: __property Anchors; __property Cursor; __property Enabled; __property ShowHint; __property Visible; __property OnClick; __property AnsiString Caption = {read = FCaption, write = SetCaption}; __property bool Checked = {read = FChecked, write = SetChecked}; __property TFont *Font = {read = FFont, write = SetFont}; __property TPicture *Picture = {read = FPicture, write = SetPicture}; __property TPictureIndex *PictureIndex = {read = FPictureIndex, write = SetPictureIndex}; __property bool ShowCaption = {read = FShowCaption, write = SetShowCaption}; __property TColor TransparentColor = {read = FTransparentColor, write = SetTransparentColor}; __property TTransparentState TransparentState = {read = FTransparentState, write = SetTransparentState}; __property OnMouseDown; __property OnMouseMove; __property OnMouseUp; __property TNotifyEvent OnMouseEnter = {read = FOnMouseEnter, write = FOnMouseEnter}; __property TNotifyEvent OnMouseLeave = {read = FOnMouseLeave, write = FOnMouseLeave}; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif GoodButton.cpp /*=========================================================================== 說明:繼承TGraphicControl而設計的按鈕,可以針對滑鼠的移入、移出、按下、 放開而顯示不同的圖案,並且增加了OnMouseEnter和OnMouseLeave的事件。 如果將Transparent設為true,則滑鼠的動作只會在非透明的地方有作用。 ===========================================================================*/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #pragma hdrstop #include "GoodButton.h" #pragma package(smart_init) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ValidCtrCheck is used to assure that the components created do not have // any pure virtual functions. // static inline void ValidCtrCheck(TGoodButton *) { new TGoodButton(NULL); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TPictureIndex::TPictureIndex() : TPersistent() { FDisable = FDown = FOver = FDisable = 0; FPictureCount = 2; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TPictureIndex::~TPictureIndex() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*void __fastcall TPictureIndex::Assign(TPersistent *value) { TPictureIndex *Source; Source = (TPictureIndex *)value; FDisable = Source->FDisable; FDown = Source->FDown; FOver = Source->FOver; FUp = Source->FUp; FPictureCount = Source->FPictureCount; if (FOnChange) FOnChange(this); }*/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TPictureIndex::SetDisable(int value) { if (value == FDisable || value < 0 || value >= FPictureCount) return; FDisable = value; if (FOnChange) FOnChange(this); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TPictureIndex::SetDown(int value) { if (value == FDown || value < 0 || value >= FPictureCount) return; FDown = value; if (FOnChange) FOnChange(this); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TPictureIndex::SetOver(int value) { if (value == FOver || value < 0 || value >= FPictureCount) return; FOver = value; if (FOnChange) FOnChange(this); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TPictureIndex::SetUp(int value) { if (value == FUp || value < 0 || value >= FPictureCount) return; FUp = value; if (FOnChange) FOnChange(this); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TPictureIndex::SetPictureCount(int value) { if (value == FPictureCount || value <= 0) return; if (FDisable >= value) FDisable = value - 1; if (FDown >= value) FDown = value - 1; if (FOver >= value) FOver = value - 1; if (FUp >= value) FUp = value - 1; FPictureCount = value; if (FOnChange) FOnChange(this); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TGoodButton::TGoodButton(TComponent* Owner) : TGraphicControl(Owner) { FCaption = ""; FChecked = false; FFont = new TFont();//Canvas->Font; FPicture = new TPicture(); FPictureIndex = new TPictureIndex(); FTransparentColor = clWhite; FTransparentState = tsNone; FFont->OnChange = FontChanged; FPicture->OnChange = PictureChanged; FPictureIndex->OnChange = PictureIndexChanged; FOnMouseEnter = FOnMouseLeave = NULL; Width = 100; Height = 100; pictureIndex = 0; isDown = isOver = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TGoodButton::~TGoodButton() { delete FFont; delete FPicture; delete FPictureIndex; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::SetCaption(AnsiString value) { FCaption = value; Invalidate(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::SetChecked(bool value) { FChecked = value; Modified(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::SetEnabled(bool value) { TGraphicControl::SetEnabled(value); Modified(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::SetFont(TFont *value) { FFont->Assign(value); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::SetShowCaption(bool value) { FShowCaption = value; Invalidate(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::SetPicture(TPicture *value) { /*if (FPicture == NULL) FPicture = new TPicture();*/ FPicture->Assign(value); Invalidate(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::SetPictureIndex(TPictureIndex *value) { FPictureIndex->Assign(value); Invalidate(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::SetTransparentColor(TColor value) { FTransparentColor = value; Invalidate(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::SetTransparentState(TTransparentState value) { FTransparentState = value; Invalidate(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::FontChanged(TObject *Sender) { Invalidate(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::PictureChanged(TObject *Sender) { if (FPicture->Width > 0 && FPicture->Height > 0) { Width = FPicture->Width / FPictureIndex->PictureCount; Height = FPicture->Height; } Modified(true); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::PictureIndexChanged(TObject *Sender) { PictureChanged(Sender); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::Modified(bool update) { int index; index = pictureIndex; if (!Enabled) pictureIndex = FPictureIndex->Disable; else if ((isOver && isDown) || FChecked) pictureIndex = FPictureIndex->Down; else if (isOver) pictureIndex = FPictureIndex->Over; else pictureIndex = FPictureIndex->Up; if (pictureIndex != index || update) Invalidate(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::Paint(void) { bool designing; TRect RcSrc, RcDst; Canvas->Font = Font; designing = ComponentState.Contains(csDesigning); if (FPicture->Graphic) //有圖案 { if (Visible || designing) { RcSrc = TRect(pictureIndex * Width, 0, (pictureIndex 1) * Width, Height); RcDst = TRect(0, 0, Width, Height); if (FTransparentState == tsNone) Canvas->CopyRect(RcDst, FPicture->Bitmap->Canvas, RcSrc); else { Canvas->Brush->Style = bsClear; Canvas->BrushCopy(RcDst, FPicture->Bitmap, RcSrc, FTransparentColor); } } } if (FShowCaption || designing) //顯示標題 { Canvas->Brush->Style = bsClear; if (!Enabled) Canvas->Font->Color = clSilver; if (!isDown) Canvas->TextOut((Width - Canvas->TextWidth(FCaption)) / 2, Height - Canvas->TextHeight(FCaption) - 5, FCaption); else Canvas->TextOut((Width - Canvas->TextWidth(FCaption)) / 2 1, Height - Canvas->TextHeight(FCaption) - 5 1, FCaption); } if (designing) //設計時期 { Canvas->Pen->Style = psDash; Canvas->Brush->Style = bsClear; Canvas->Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height); //畫虛線方框 } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool __fastcall TGoodButton::IsTransparentColor(int X, int Y) { return FTransparentState == tsFull && (FPicture->Bitmap->Canvas->Pixels[X][Y] == FTransparentColor || X >= FPicture->Width || Y >= FPicture->Height); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGoodButton::WndProc(TMessage &Message) { TGraphicControl::WndProc(Message); if (ComponentState.Contains(csDesigning)) //設計時期 return; switch (Message.Msg) { case CM_HITTEST: Message.Result = !IsTransparentColor(Message.LParamLo, Message.LParamHi); break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: //按下左鍵 if (Enabled) { isDown = true; Modified(false); } break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: //放開左鍵 if (Enabled) { isDown = false; Modified(false); } break; case CM_MOUSEENTER: //滑鼠移入 if (Enabled) { isOver = true; Modified(false); if (FOnMouseEnter) FOnMouseEnter(this); } break; case CM_MOUSELEAVE: //滑鼠移出 if (Enabled) { isOver = false; Modified(false); if (FOnMouseLeave) FOnMouseLeave(this); } break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Goodbutton { void __fastcall PACKAGE Register() { TComponentClass classes[1] = {__classid(TGoodButton)}; RegisterComponents("Samples", classes, 0); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
系統時間:2024-09-08 18:39:53
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