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System Sounds - Windows Messages



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System Sounds - Windows Messages

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.hobbypages.net/snip12.html Something that is rather dificult to setup are custom sound events. You can however cheat alittle. The installation routine for your application can add the events to the registry, and unless the user neglects to save the current scheme, it will play your sound when the event is triggered. See, the trouble would be getting the current configurations if the machine is setup with user profiles. You could easily add the .INF or .REG file to the HKEY_USERS\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps key, and even the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default key, but beyond that, who knows where to write it? In this example, it would be easier to merge the examples .reg file, and hope that if the user plays with his sound events, he'll see the EventLabel for you application, and select sounds for it. The key to this method as apposed to embedding a specific wave file name, is that you can allow the user to change the sound, through the control panel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This RegEdit4 file will register the event label, and the default sound for your program event (shown later).: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\EventLabels\MyNewSound] @="My New Sound" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\MyNewSound\.Default] @="mysound.wav" [HKEY_USER\AppEvents\EventLabels\MyNewSound] @="My New Sound" [HKEY_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\MyNewSound\.Default] @="mysound.wav" In the line ...\EventLabels\MyNewSound "MyNewSound" is what your program will call on, The other line @="My New Sound" is what the user will see in the control panel, sound events dialog. You can put whatever you like. (Sorry, I didn't write out an .INF file to duplicate the method) Your installation routine makes the changes, now your application has a system event. (Under Default) To call on the sound, I used a button here, but you can use whatever, OnEnter, OnClose, OnWhatever to call this sound:

void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
if (PlaySound("MyNewSound", NULL , SND_ALIAS) == true)
        Label1->Caption = "Playing Sound";
        Label1->Caption = "Not Working";
I used an if statement to show what happens when you rename the sound event to something like "MyNewSound2". First, no sound is played, second the "Not Working" label pops up. You could write a routine to call on the system default beep instead. The uses for system sounds are innumerable. Most programmers overlook them, or hardcode them. I think if the user wants sound events, we should allow him to decide, when, and what sounds to play. The user is the final authority on what makes good software... 聯盟----Visita網站http://www.vista.org.tw ---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章 ]---
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