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[推薦] 轟動一時的Philip Brown's Framework,超經典的OOP架構



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-06-19 09:52:23 IP:61.218.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
資料來源:http://codecentral.borland.com/codecentral/ccweb.exe/listing?id=15511 An Object-Oriented Persistence Layer Design Philip Brown's Articles and Sample code for creating a layered, object-oriented persistence framework. The two .ZIP archives accompanying this file were originally posted to the borland.public.attachments forum on 19 Dec 2000 by Philip Brown of Informatica Systems Ltd. Index of EXE Articles.ZIP: 200002.doc Standardising Application Builds 200003.doc Adding Version Information To Applications Last month I discussed the concept of a build, and why a standard process to produce a consistent set of deliverables was a good thing. This month we will investigate the means by which version information can be made available within an application, writing a class which can be incorporated into any new development. 200004.doc Implementing Business Objects Classes that encapsulate business rules lay the foundations of a true object oriented application. This month's column is the first of a series in which we'll be exploring the many facets of implementing a true object oriented application. Along the way we'll take in almost every aspect of application design and challenge some of the accepted ways of writing a Delphi application. The fundamental concept behind this approach is encapsulation: to design a set of classes with well-defined interfaces (methods) that operate on properties. These concepts will pervade the entire application and will greatly affect the way in which data is stored and presented. 200005.doc Simple Object Relationships Last month we looked at how the classic Stock, Order and Customer requirement could be modelled as three separate business objects, each exposing their state through well-defined properties. Although these objects could now be used as-is (although in a very limited way - we haven't yet defined how to make their information persistent!), they lack any concept of relationships. In other words, how do we know which Customer placed a given Order, and for which StockItem? 200006.doc Persistent Objects Object data must ultimately be stored in a database. Philip Brown shows you how. In the last couple of months we have introduced business objects and shown how simple relationships can be represented. The relationships expressed as object properties are a more formal (and neutral) representation of the relationships between data entities that can be implicit within the database design, or explicit within the database schema. Moving away from a data-centric view of entities and relationships to a more structured, object-oriented exposition has many benefits, but most languages (including Delphi) cater only for an in-memory object model; objects have no state persistence capability unless one is provided for them. 200007.doc Are You Being Served? This month Philip Brown presses the Factory pattern into service for menu operations. This month we take a short break from the rigours of implementing business objects to deal with something that almost every application requires: a menu. Not a menu in the sense of a TMainMenu derivative, but rather some sort of front-end which shows a number of available options and requires one to be selected by the user. A typical example would be a list of options presented to the user when an application starts: they are required to select whether to launch the main application, or maybe the reporting package, general utilities or admin systems. These options are typically presented to the user in fairly crude ways, maybe a small form with a number of buttons each with a caption describing the application to be run, or a list box with a number of entries. Most often these menu-type forms are hard coded and intrinsically "know" how to launch the selected option. Such solutions share two properties: they're inflexible and unattractive. This month we use the Factory pattern (and judicious choice of visual component) to provide a better solution. 200008.doc The Needs Of The Many This month Philip Brown demonstrates one way of working with sets of business objects This month we return to the world of a general purpose object framework and complete relationship handling by considering how to work with sets or collections of business objects. So far we have seen how to express simple 1-1 or many-1 relationships by simply exposing the related object as a property, such as Order.Customer. This is a simple and natural way to expose related objects, with the appropriate handling occurring within the accessor functions of the property, but how can we expose the other variants of relationships, namely 1-many or many-many? A simple approach, such as Customer.Order, does not serve our purpose as it implies that there is a single Order for a given Customer (which is generally not the case), and prevents access to any other Orders that might exist. What we need is syntax, and an efficient implementation, for handling a set of business objects. 200009.doc Concise Custom Constructors This month Philip Brown continues his look at implementing sets of objects Last month I set out the broad principles behind implementing sets of objects with a problem domain oriented class to act as a container for the business objects themselves. This relied upon an extended data management class that could support navigation through a database-dependent cursor of some kind. This month concludes this investigation by providing some more implementation details and we see that once the application independent framework has been provided, the actual code required for a real system is very small. http://codecentral.borland.com/codecentral/ccweb.exe/download?id=15511


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-10-03 07:23:39 IP:202.67.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
Where can I download the doc? The link is broken!


#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-10-03 09:36:42 IP:61.218.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
引言: Where can I download the doc? The link is broken! < face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"> http://codecentral.borland.com/codecentral/ccweb.exe/download?id=15511 這是Borland的網頁需要個人去註冊的,您無法下載表示您沒註冊過,鏈結網址並無broken! 我已將文件放上來: http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?TOPIC_ID=21757 聯盟----Visita網站http://www.vista.org.tw ---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章 ]---
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