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Merge Sort



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Merge Sort , 這是一個 Order(n log n) 的排序演算法。

// mergesort.c merge sort algorithm //
// //
// Jun.07,2000 Version 0.1 by : Lee Dong-Liang //

// Command Line Usage: //
// //
// sort [] //
// //
// the default NumberOfData=2000 //
// //
// Data File Format //
// ... //
// xxxxxxx = {IntegerData_i} //
// xxxxxxx = {IntegerData_i 1} //
// ... //
// i.e. one line contain only one data //
// //
// Restriction: the length of line data must < 128 //
// //
// If the number of data in DataFile is less than NumberOfData, the sorting //
// will according to the number of data in DataFile. //
// But If the number of data in DataFile is more than NumberOfData, the //
// sorting will according to NumberOfData. //

#include /* for printf,fopen,fclose,fgets,... */
#include /* for calloc,free, atoi */

int MAXIMUM_DATANUM=2000; /* default Maximum data number = 2000 */

int ReadDataFromFile(char *filename,int *piData);
void mergesort(int *piData,int iDataNumber);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i,iDataNumber;
int *piData;

if(argc < 2 ) /* Check input command line */
{ /* If error , exit */
printf("Usage: %s []\n",argv[0]);
return 1;

if(argc > 2 ) /* Check input command line */
{ /* If user spec. NumberOfData */
if(MAXIMUM_DATANUM<=0) MAXIMUM_DATANUM=2000; /* If error , set to default */

piData=(int *) calloc(MAXIMUM_DATANUM,sizeof(int)); /* Allocate Memory */
if(piData==NULL) /* Check Memory Status */
printf("Allocate Memory ERROR!!!\n");
return 2;

iDataNumber=ReadDataFromFile(argv[1],piData); /* Read Source Data File */
if( iDataNumber==0 ) /* If error , exit */
printf("Error of reading file : \"%s\" !!!\n",argv[1]);
printf("Please check : If the filename is correct ?\n");
printf(" If the file format is correct ?\n");
return 3;

mergesort(piData,iDataNumber); /* Merge Sort */

printf(" Merge \n"); /* Show Result */

free(piData); /* Free Allocated Memory */

return 0;

// Data File Format //
// ... //
// xxxxxxx = {IntegerData_i} //
// xxxxxxx = {IntegerData_i 1} //
// ... //
// i.e. one line contain only one data //
// //
// Restriction: the length of line data must < 128 //

int ReadDataFromFile(char *filename,int *piData)
FILE *pFile;
int i,iDataNumber=0;
char strtemp[128];
char *strNumber;

pFile=fopen(filename,"r"); /* Open File */
if( pFile == NULL ) return 0;

for(;fgets(strtemp,128,pFile)!=NULL;) /* Read a Line from File */
for(i=0;i<128;i ) /* Finding '=' */
if(strtemp[i]=='=' || strtemp[i]=='\0')break;
if(strtemp[i]!='=')continue; /* '=' Not Found ,continue next line */

for(i ;i<128;i ) /* Finding '{' */
if(strtemp[i]=='{' || strtemp[i]=='\0')break;
if(strtemp[i]!='{')continue; /* '{' Not Found ,continue next line */

strNumber=&strtemp[i 1]; /* Data Start from Here! */

for(i ;i<128;i ) /* Finding '}' */
if(strtemp[i]=='}' || strtemp[i]=='\0')break;
if(strtemp[i]!='}')continue; /* '{' Not Found ,continue next line */

piData[iDataNumber ]=atoi(strNumber); /* Convert Data */
if(iDataNumber>=MAXIMUM_DATANUM) break; /* Test if Reach Buffer Len */
fclose(pFile); /* Close File */
return iDataNumber;
// insert sort algorithm //
// //
// procedure insert(T[1..n]) //
// for i=2 to n do //
// x=T[i]; j=i-1; //
// while j > 0 and x < T[j] do T[j 1]=T[j] //
// j=j-1 //
// T[j 1]=x //
// //
// PS.for C is zerobase, so the index in C is different from algorithm by -1.//

void insertsort(int *T,int n)
int i,j;
int x;
for(i=1;i/* for i=2 to n do */
{ /* */
x=T[i]; j=i-1; /* x=T[i]; j=i-1; */
while(j>=0 && x/* while j > 0 and x < T[j] */
{ /* */
T[j 1]=T[j]; /* do T[j 1]=T[j] */
j=j-1; /* j=j-1 */
} /* */
T[j 1]=x; /* T[j 1]=x */
} /* */

// merge sort algorithm //
// &
系統時間:2024-09-08 5:00:15
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