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[推薦] How to create a DLL from a resource



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How to create a DLL from a resource

This code sample shows how to create a DLL from binary data stored in an .exe resources. Also, it shows a small bit on using STL. The .rc file has to be setup something like this: MYDLL DLL MyDll.dll Here is an example of instantiating and calling a function in a DLL created from a resource. alexb::TDllResource tmp = alexb::TDllResource::CreateDLL( HInstance, _T( "MYDLL" ) ); alexb::stdcallTDllProc5 tmp1( HInstance, _T( "MYDLL" ) ); tmp1( "FuncWith_5_Params", "", 1, 1, "", 1 ); If you need different functions ( different as in different number of parameters ), all you do is add more member template functions, using existing ones as an example. Please, send all/any bugs to alexb@jetsuite.com P.S. Originally I indended to delete the DLL file. But, alas, Windows doesn't let me. It keeps the .DLL file locked, event after FreeLibrary. So I changed the code a bit to check if the file exists already. It would be nicer if I could delete the file, but some may say it's better this way. If you find a way to delete a just unloaded DLL, drop me a line. 下載 : http://codecentral.borland.com/codecentral/ccweb.exe/download?id=13540 時間就是金錢---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章]
系統時間:2024-06-27 4:29:56
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