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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-01-24 15:49:41 IP:218.170.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
我使用微軟的程式碼來坐傳送資料轉成傳真檔案 我也開啟了win Xp內的Fax service的服務,但是在傳送的時候,他卻無法啟動成功,有誰可以告訴我該如何去作才能夠啟動嗎? 程式傳送時候都會出現 The Job is : 144613275045113059 以下是微軟的程式碼 Dim objFaxServer As New FAXCOMEXLib.FaxServer Dim collFaxIncomingJobs As FAXCOMEXLib.FaxIncomingJobs Dim objFaxIncomingJob As FAXCOMEXLib.FaxIncomingJob 'Error handling On Error GoTo Error_Handler 'Connect to the fax server objFaxServer.Connect("") 'Get the collection of jobs in the incoming queue collFaxIncomingJobs = objFaxServer.Folders.IncomingQueue.GetJobs 'Display the number of jobs in the collection MsgBox("There are " & collFaxIncomingJobs.Count & " jobs in the incoming queue.") Dim n As Long 'Get the job n = InputBox("Input the item number for which you want information.") objFaxIncomingJob = collFaxIncomingJobs.Item(n) 'Refresh the job object (job is in process of being received, you 'want current information) objFaxIncomingJob.Refresh() 'Display the job properties MsgBox("Available operations: " & objFaxIncomingJob.AvailableOperations & _ vbCrLf & "Caller ID: " & objFaxIncomingJob.CallerId & _ vbCrLf & "CSID: " & objFaxIncomingJob.CSID & _ vbCrLf & "Current page: " & objFaxIncomingJob.CurrentPage & _ vbCrLf & "Device ID: " & objFaxIncomingJob.DeviceId & _ vbCrLf & "Extended status: " & objFaxIncomingJob.ExtendedStatus & _ vbCrLf & "Extended status code : " & objFaxIncomingJob.ExtendedStatusCode & _ vbCrLf & "Job ID: " & objFaxIncomingJob.Id & _ vbCrLf & "Job type: " & objFaxIncomingJob.JobType & _ vbCrLf & "Retries: " & objFaxIncomingJob.Retries & _ vbCrLf & "Routing information: " & objFaxIncomingJob.RoutingInformation & _ vbCrLf & "Size: " & objFaxIncomingJob.Size & _ vbCrLf & "Status: " & objFaxIncomingJob.Status & _ vbCrLf & "Transmission start: " & objFaxIncomingJob.TransmissionStart & _ vbCrLf & "Transmission end: " & objFaxIncomingJob.TransmissionEnd & _ vbCrLf & "TSID: " & objFaxIncomingJob.TSID) 'Allow user to cancel the selected fax Dim CancelString As String CancelString = InputBox("Cancel this fax (Y/N)?") If CancelString = "Y" Then objFaxIncomingJob.Cancel() 'Allow user to open the selected fax Dim OpenString As String OpenString = InputBox("Open this fax (Y/N)?") If OpenString = "Y" Then Dim FileName As String FileName = InputBox("Provide path and name of file for TIFF copy, e.g. c:\MyFax.tiff") objFaxIncomingJob.CopyTiff(FileName) 'Open the tiff file Dim A As Object A = CreateObject("wscript.shell") A.run(FileName) End If Exit Sub Error_Handler: 'Implement error handling at the end of your subroutine. This implementation is for demonstration purposes MsgBox("Error number: " & Hex(Err.Number) & ", " & Err.Description) 那我有將Fax 服務啟動,使用數據卡也接上電話線了,卻無法將我啟動的fax服務開啟,煩請高手指導指導,讓我能夠過個快樂的大學四年 發表人 - blockman 於 2005/01/24 15:54:56
系統時間:2024-06-26 12:11:26
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