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C/C 的電子書 描述: 極為豐富的C/C 電子書,包含: C Unleashed,C Programming Just the FAQs, Effective C / More Effective C , Teach Yourself C in 21 Days,Teach Yourself C in 21 Days, Thinking in C ... 等 http://resource.ccna.idv.tw/collection/Programming-C/ebook/book1/ ********************************************************************* 詳述在Linux下的程式設計,是一本不錯的電子書 http://www.ccna.idv.tw/modules.php?op=modload&name=Web_Links&file=index&l_op=visit&lid=80 ********************************************************************* Thinking in C 簡體版 描述: 值得一看的 Thinking in C 簡體版 http://resource.ccna.idv.tw/collection/Programming-C/ebook/Thinking_in_C _GB/ ********************************************************************** TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 描述: The TCP/IP protocol suite allows computers of all sizes, from many different computer vendors, running totally different operating systems, to communicate with each other. It is quite amazing because its use has far exceeded its original estimates. What started in the late 1960s as a government-financed research project into packet switching networks has, in the 1990s, turned into the most widely used form of networking between computerrs. It is truly an open system in that the definition of the protocol suite and many of its implementations are publicly available at little or no charge. It forms the basis for what is called the worldwide Internet, or the Internet, a wide area network (WAN) of more than one million computers that literally spans the globe. http://resource.ccna.idv.tw/collection/Networking-Other/ebook/book1/ ********************************************************************** Teach Yourself TCP-IP in 14 Days 描述: The second edition of Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days expands on the very popular first edition, bringing the information up-to-date and adding new topics to complete the coverage of TCP/IP. The book has been reorganized to make reading and learning easier, as well as to provide a more logical approach to the subject. http://resource.ccna.idv.tw/collection/Networking-Other/ebook/book2/ ********************************************************************** Classless Inter-Domain Routing White-Paper 描述: The massive growth of the Internet is rapidly exhausting available IP addresses. Over the past few years, many of the contributors of the Internet community (the people who write RFCs) have searched for and published suggestions for increasing the longevity of the existing address space. http://www.ccna.idv.tw/modules.php?op=modload&name=Web_Links&file=index&l_op=visit&lid=103 ********************************************************************** OSPF 路由協定及網路架構研析 描述: 在 TCP/IP 中,有兩種較重要的 Routing Protocol ,它們分別是 RIP ( Routing Information Protocol)以及 OSPF(Open Shortest Path First)。 RIP 適用於較小型的網路,每條路徑經過的 router 數目不能超過 15 個(因其定義 16 為無法到達的距離)。 OSPF 則具較大彈性,可適用於大型的網路,相對的其計算也較複雜。以下我們將介紹 OSPF 如何作 routing 的動作。 http://resource.ccna.idv.tw/collection/Networking-Other/routingTutorial/ospf1/ ********************************************************************** 路由器工作原理 描述: 路由器在互為連接的網路系統中扮演著一個舉足輕重的角色,而現今路由器扮演的角色愈來愈多元化而其所具備的Function愈來愈多,可是路由器的基本工作原理及精神仍是不變的。 在本文中,我們先介紹在一個路由器上存在的協定及各個協定不同之處,再來我們將一個路由器的工作項目區分成標準化和非標準化來討論,進而以圖表來解說一個路由器的一般軟、硬體的架構,最後我們更以圖表示範解說路由器之間如何交換資訊及如何轉送網路封包。 http://resource.ccna.idv.tw/collection/Networking-Other/deviceTutorial/teach1/ ********************************************************************** Firewalls Complete 描述: The Internet is an all pervasive entity in today’s world of computing. To cope with the "wild" Internet, several security mechanisms were developed, among them access controls, authentication schemes and firewalls, as one of the most secure methods. However, firewall means different things for different people. Consider the fable from India about the blind men and the elephant. Each blind man touched a different part of the elephant and came up with a totally different description. The blind man who touched the elephant’s legs described it as being similar to a tree. Another blind man touched the tail and decided an elephant was like a twig. Yet another grabbed the trunk and concluded an elephant was like a snake. To some computer professionals, even to some of those in charge of Internet security, firewalls are just "walls of fire" blocking hackers outside of it. To some others, it is only a form of authentication mechanism. Some other folks consider firewalls to be synonymous with routers. Obviously, a firewall is much more than any of these individually. http://www.ccna.idv.tw/modules.php?op=modload&name=Web_Links&file=index&l_op=visit&lid=93 ********************************************************************** Maximum Security 描述: I want to write a few words about this book and how it should be used. This book is not strictly an instructional, or "How To" book. Its purpose is to get you started on a solid education in Internet security. As such, it is probably constructed differently from any computer book you have ever read. Although this book cannot teach you everything you need to know, the references contained within this book can. Therefore, if you know very little about Internet security, you will want to maximize the value of this book by adhering to the following procedure: Each chapter (except early ones that set the stage) contains intermittent references that might point to white papers, technical reports, or other sources of solid, reliable information of substance (pertaining to the topic at hand). Those references appear in boxes labeled XREF. As you encounter each source, stop for a moment to retrieve that source from the Net. After you retrieve the source, read it, then continue reading the book. Throughout the book, perform this operation whenever and wherever applicable. If you do so, you will finish with a very solid basic education on Internet security. http://www.ccna.idv.tw/modules.php?op=modload&name=Web_Links&file=index&l_op=visit&lid=94 ********************************************************************** O'REILLY Building Internet Firewalls 描述: In any society, a small percentage of people are malicious. It is estimated that the Internet now has about 30 to 40 million users. Even if the percentage of malicious users is less than one percent of the overall society, the potential number of malicious users is large enough so that it should concern you. The number of security incidents reported to the Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (CERT-CC) increases every year - less than 200 in 1989, about 400 in 1991, 1400 in 1993, and 2,241 in 1994. Estimates are that we'll see more than 3000 reported incidents in 1995. Incidents occur at government and military sites, among Fortune 500 companies, at universities, and at small startups. Some incidents involve a single account on a single system. Some (for example, those involving packet sniffers) might involve as many as 100,000 systems. Of course, these numbers are only the tip of the iceberg. Many intrusions aren't reported to the CERT Coordination Center or to other computer security incident response organizations. In fact, many aren't reported at all - in some cases, because the victimized organization would rather avoid publicity or charges of carelessness, in other cases because the intrusions are not even detected. http://resource.ccna.idv.tw/collection/OS-Unix/ebook/book2/firewall/index.htm ********************************************************************** JavaScript Guide 電子書 描述: JavaScript is a compact, object-based scripting language for developing client and server Internet applications. Netscape Navigator interprets JavaScript statements embedded in an HTML page, and LiveWire enables you to create server-based applications similar to Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs. This book describes the JavaScript language and its use in Navigator. For information on developing server-based JavaScript applications, see the LiveWire Developer's Guide. http://resource.ccna.idv.tw/collection/Programming-Java/ebook/book1/JavaScript Guide/index.htm ********************************************************************** JavaScript Manual of Style 電子書 描述: This is a book about writing exciting Web pages with JavaScript. Before JavaScript or its ancestor, LiveScript, Web pages were written in HTML. The pages could be very sophisticated in their layout, but they just sat there. JavaScript can make your Web pages come alive. Your Web pages can now be dynamic, changing before the user's eyes. JavaScript can make your Web pages both more interesting and more fun. http://resource.ccna.idv.tw/collection/Programming-Java/ebook/book1/Javascript_Manual_of_Style/ ********************************************************************** Teach Yourself JavaScript 1.1 in a Week 電子書 描述: As I mentioned in the Introduction, this book is designed to teach the JavaScript scripting language. We start by taking a broad look at Netscape Navigator 3.0, the current version of the popular Web browser, which some estimates say commands more than 80 percent of the Web browser market. Following this, we take an introductory look at JavaScript and its relationship with Java and its place in the Netscape suite of Web development tools http://resource.ccna.idv.tw/collection/Programming-Java/ebook/book1/Teach Yourself JavaScript 1.1/index.htm ********************************************************************** 發表人 - jackkcg 於 2002/11/01 18:58:11
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