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MySQL Report generation in PHP.



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MySQL Report generation in PHP. http://www.weberdev.com/get_example.php3?count=3720 Hi friends, I am back again with another very useful piece of code. MySQL has no easy report generation tool as Oracle has, so its always developers who have to do this. The following code helps you in developing reports for the MySQL Database. The code has been tested by me and is working perfectly at http:// galileo.tamucc.edu/~sri/PDF/pdfreportdemo.php Please let me know if there is some problem with this code. I'll be glad to help you. Please take care of the broken lines they mess your code a lot. If you indent them properly and run the script with the few changes required to do, I am sure it would run perfectly. Thank you, Srikanth Turaga. PSS: One of the members on the site has requested me to send some more stuff on PDF file generation using FPDF. I didn't expect to come up with such a good code. Finally thanks to Philip Clarke. <?php define('FPDF_FONTPATH','yourdirectorypath/FPDF/font/'); require('yourdirectorypath/FPDF/fpdf.php'); class PDF extends FPDF { var $tablewidths; var $headerset; var $footerset; function _beginpage($orientation) { $this->page ; if(!$this->pages[$this->page]) // solved the problem of overwriting a page, if it already exists $this->pages[$this->page]=''; $this->state=2; $this->x=$this->lMargin; $this->y=$this->tMargin; $this->lasth=0; $this->FontFamily=''; //Page orientation if(!$orientation) $orientation=$this->DefOrientation; else { $orientation=strtoupper($orientation{0}); if($orientation!=$this->DefOrientation) $this->OrientationChanges[$this->page]=true; } if($orientation!=$this->CurOrientation) { //Change orientation if($orientation=='P') { $this->wPt=$this->fwPt; $this->hPt=$this->fhPt; $this->w=$this->fw; $this->h=$this->fh; } else { $this->wPt=$this->fhPt; $this->hPt=$this->fwPt; $this->w=$this->fh; $this->h=$this->fw; } $this->PageBreakTrigger=$this->h-$this->bMargin; $this->CurOrientation=$orientation; } } function Header() { global $maxY; // Check if header for this page already exists if(!$this->headerset[$this->page]) { foreach($this->tablewidths as $width) { $fullwidth = $width; } $this->SetY(($this->tMargin) - ($this->FontSizePt/$this->k)*2); $this->cellFontSize = $this->FontSizePt ; $this->SetFont('Arial','',( ( $this->titleFontSize) ? $this->titleFontSize : $this- >FontSizePt )); $this->Cell(0,$this->FontSizePt,$this->titleText,0,1,'C'); $l = ($this->lMargin); $this->SetFont('Arial','',$this->cellFontSize); foreach($this->colTitles as $col => $txt) { $this->SetXY($l,($this->tMargin)); $this->MultiCell($this->tablewidths[$col], $this->FontSizePt,$txt); $l = $this->tablewidths[$col] ; $maxY = ($maxY < $this->getY()) ? $this->getY() : $maxY ; } $this->SetXY($this->lMargin,$this->tMargin); $this->setFillColor(200,200,200); $l = ($this->lMargin); foreach($this->colTitles as $col => $txt) { $this->SetXY($l,$this->tMargin); $this->cell($this->tablewidths[$col],$maxY-($this->tMargin),'',1,0,'L',1); $this->SetXY($l,$this->tMargin); $this->MultiCell($this->tablewidths[$col],$this->FontSizePt,$txt,0,'C'); $l = $this->tablewidths[$col]; } $this->setFillColor(255,255,255); // set headerset $this->headerset[$this->page] = 1; } $this->SetY($maxY); } function Footer() { // Check if footer for this page already exists if(!$this->footerset[$this->page]) { $this->SetY(-15); //Page number $this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C'); // set footerset $this->footerset[$this->page] = 1; } } function morepagestable($lineheight=8) { // some things to set and 'remember' $l = $this->lMargin; $startheight = $h = $this->GetY(); $startpage = $currpage = $this->page; // calculate the whole width foreach($this->tablewidths as $width) { $fullwidth = $width; } // Now let's start to write the table $row = 0; while($data=mysql_fetch_row($this->results)) { $this->page = $currpage; // write the horizontal borders $this->Line($l,$h,$fullwidth $l,$h); // write the content and remember the height of the highest col foreach($data as $col => $txt) { $this->page = $currpage; $this->SetXY($l,$h); $this->MultiCell($this->tablewidths[$col],$lineheight,$txt,0,$this->colAlign[$col]); $l = $this->tablewidths[$col]; if($tmpheight[$row.'-'.$this->page] < $this->GetY()) { $tmpheight[$row.'-'.$this->page] = $this->GetY(); } if($this->page > $maxpage) $maxpage = $this->page; unset($data[$col]); } // get the height we were in the last used page $h = $tmpheight[$row.'-'.$maxpage]; // set the "pointer" to the left margin $l = $this->lMargin; // set the $currpage to the last page $currpage = $maxpage; unset($datas[$row]); $row ; } // draw the borders // we start adding a horizontal line on the last page $this->page = $maxpage; $this->Line($l,$h,$fullwidth $l,$h); // now we start at the top of the document and walk down for($i = $startpage; $i <= $maxpage; $i ) { $this->page = $i; $l = $this->lMargin; $t = ($i == $startpage) ? $startheight : $this->tMargin; $lh = ($i == $maxpage) ? $h : $this->h-$this->bMargin; $this->Line($l,$t,$l,$lh); foreach($this->tablewidths as $width) { $l = $width; $this->Line($l,$t,$l,$lh); } } // set it to the last page, if not it'll cause some problems $this->page = $maxpage; } // Leave this as it is unless you are sure what changes you are making. // $host is generally localhost unless you are trying to interact with Database // on another server. function connect($host='localhost',$username='',$passwd='',$db='') { $this->conn = mysql_connect($host,$username,$passwd) or die( mysql_error() ); mysql_select_db($db,$this->conn) or die( mysql_error() ); return true; } function query($query){ $this->results = mysql_query($query,$this->conn); $this->numFields = mysql_num_fields($this->results); } function mysql_report($query,$dump=false,$attr=array()){ foreach($attr as $key=>$val){ $this->$key = $val ; } $this->query($query); // if column widths not set if(!isset($this->tablewidths)){ // starting col width $this->sColWidth = (($this->w-$this->lMargin-$this->rMargin))/$this->numFields; // loop through results header and set initial col widths/ titles/ alignment // if a col title is less than the starting col width / reduce that column size for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i ){ $stringWidth = $this->getstringwidth(mysql_field_name($this->results,$i)) 6 ; if( ($stringWidth) < $this->sColWidth){ $colFits[$i] = $stringWidth ; // set any column titles less than the start width to the column title width } $this->colTitles[$i] = mysql_field_name($this->results,$i) ; switch (mysql_field_type($this->results,$i)){ case 'int': $this->colAlign[$i] = 'R'; break; default: $this->colAlign[$i] = 'L'; } } // loop through the data, any column whose contents is bigger that the col size is // resized while($row=mysql_fetch_row($this->results)){ foreach($colFits as $key=>$val){ $stringWidth = $this->getstringwidth($row[$key]) 6 ; if( ($stringWidth) > $this->sColWidth ){ // any col where row is bigger than the start width is now discarded unset($colFits[$key]); }else{ // if text is not bigger than the current column width setting enlarge the column if( ($stringWidth) > $val ){ $colFits[$key] = ($stringWidth) ; } } } } foreach($colFits as $key=>$val){ // set fitted columns to smallest size $this->tablewidths[$key] = $val; // to work out how much (if any) space has been freed up $totAlreadyFitted = $val; } $surplus = (sizeof($colFits)*$this->sColWidth) - ($totAlreadyFitted); for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i ){ if(!in_array($i,array_keys($colFits))){ $this->tablewidths[$i] = $this->sColWidth ($surplus/(($this->numFields)-sizeof ($colFits))); } } ksort($this->tablewidths); if($dump){ Header('Content-type: text/plain'); for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i ){ if(strlen(mysql_field_name($this->results,$i))>$flength){ $flength = strlen(mysql_field_name($this->results,$i)); } } switch($this->k){ case 72/25.4: $unit = 'millimeters'; break; case 72/2.54: $unit = 'centimeters'; break; case 72: $unit = 'inches'; break; default: $unit = 'points'; } print "All measurements in $unit\n\n"; for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i ){ printf("%-{$flength}s : %-10s : f\n", mysql_field_name($this->results,$i), mysql_field_type($this->results,$i), $this->tablewidths[$i] ); } print "\n\n"; print "\$pdf->tablewidths=\n\tarray(\n\t\t"; for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i ){ ($i<($this->numFields-1)) ? print $this->tablewidths[$i].", /* ".mysql_field_name($this->results,$i)." */ \n\t\t": print $this->tablewidths[$i]." /* ".mysql_field_name($this->results,$i)." */\n\t\t"; } print "\n\t);\n"; exit; } } else { // end of if tablewidths not defined for($i=0;$i<$this->numFields;$i ){ $this->colTitles[$i] = mysql_field_name($this->results,$i) ; switch (mysql_field_type($this->results,$i)){ case 'int': $this->colAlign[$i] = 'R'; break; default: $this->colAlign[$i] = 'L'; } } } mysql_data_seek($this->results,0); $this->Open(); $this->setY($this->tMargin); $this->AddPage(); $this->morepagestable($this->FontSizePt); $this->Output(); } } $pdf = new PDF('L','pt','A3'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial','',9); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); // The first Parameter is localhost again unless you are retrieving data from a different server. // The second parameter is your MySQL User ID. // The third parameter is your password for MySQL. In many cases these would be the same as your OS ID and Password. // The fourth parameter is the Database you'd like to run the report on. $pdf->connect('localhost','UserID','PassWord','Database'); // This is the title of the Report generated. $attr=array('titleFontSize'=>24,'titleText'=>'MySQL Report generation using FPDF'); // This is your query. It should be a 'SELECT' query. // Reports are run over 'SELECT' querires generally. $pdf->mysql_report("SELECT * FROM Table",false,$attr); ?>
系統時間:2024-09-30 11:50:20
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