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http://www.cnic.org/index.php/FreeBSD    http://www.cnic.org/index.php/FreeBSD    FreeBSD
From Cnic
FreeBSD是一個由UNIX的分支BSD經過386BSD和4.4BSD發展而來的類UNIX作業系統。它運行在於Intel的x86系列相容的處理器上,也可運行在DEC的Alpha處理器、Sun的UltraSPARC處理器、Intel的64位Itanium處理器和AMD的64位處理器上。針對PowerPC的支援正在開發中,並已相當可用。它被普遍認為是相當可靠和健壯的。蘋果電腦的Mac OS X即以FreeBSD為基礎。     歷史與發展 
FreeBSD最初的開發始於1993年,從386BSD的源碼開始的。然而,由於386BSD源代碼的法律問題,FreeBSD基於加州大學伯克利分校的4.4BSD-Lite的代碼重寫了系統的許多部分,併在1995年1月發佈了FreeBSD 2.0。FreeBSD手冊 (http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/)包含更多關於FreeBSD起源和歷史的資訊 (http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/history.html)。 
FreeBSD的開發組同時維護兩個開發分支:一個-STABLE(穩定)分支和一個-CURRENT分支。-STABLE分支被認為具有生產質量,可以用於各種關鍵的場合。該分支每4-6個月產生一個發行版本,最新的-STABLE分支的發行版是FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE。-CURRENT分支主要包含正在積極開發的新特性,但可能有潛在的不穩定性,只建議開發者和希望體驗新特性的用戶使用,不建議用於關鍵場合。-CURRENT分支最新的發行版是FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE。當前,FreeBSD的-CURRENT(5.x)正在成為新的-STABLE分支的過程中,而一個全新的6.x-CURRENT分支正在產生。預計2004年10月,5.x將正式成為-STABLE分支。 
FreeBSD 5 includes a number of new features, including many that are security related. The TrustedBSD project was formed for the express purpose of adding trusted operating system functionality to the FreeBSD operating system. An extensible mandatory access control framework (the TrustedBSD MAC Framework), filesystem Access Control Lists (ACLs) and the new UFS2 filesystem all came from TrustedBSD. Some of the TrustedBSD functionality has been integrated into the NetBSD and OpenBSD operating systems as well. FreeBSD 5 also has support for encrypted filesystems, through the GDBE system written by Poul-Henning Kamp. [1] (http://www.freebsd.org/~phk/) 
The FreeBSD ports system provides a consistent way of installing software ported to FreeBSD. It uses Makefiles laid out in a directory hierarchy, so software can be deinstalled and installed with the make command. 
FreeBSD is released under the BSD License, which allows everyone to use and redistribute FreeBSD as they wish, as long as they do not remove the copyright notice and the BSD license itself (which does not prohibit re-distribution under another license). 
·        一個基於GNU工具集的旁支由Debian開發,稱作GNU/FreeBSD 
·        DragonFly是一個由FreeBSD 4-STABLE分支出來的項目,重點在於輕量級而高效能的線程、多處理支援以及其他用戶工具、第三方軟體管理系統的改進。 
·        FreeSBIE項目提供FreeBSD各個發行版本的live CD,類似於基於Linux的Knoppix項目 
·        Frenzy是另一個基於FreeBSD的live CD項目,主要針對俄語用戶 
·        BSDeviant是一個FreeBSD的live CD項目,目的在於產生可以存在一張迷你CD-R上的系統 
·        PicoBSD是單張軟盤的FreeBSD 
·        Darwin是蘋果公司的項目、Mac OS X的基礎,很大程度上使用FreeBSD的代碼和工具 
·        m0n0wall是一個基於FreeBSD的防火牆項目 
·        Absolute BSD, The Ultimate Guide to FreeBSD. Michael Lucas. No Starch Press, July 2002. ISBN 1886411743. 
·        BSD Hacks, 100 Industrial-Strength tips for BSD users and administrators. Dru Lavigne. O'Reilly, May 2004. ISBN 0596006799. 
·        The Complete FreeBSD, 4th Edition, Documentation from the Source. Greg Lehey. O'Reilly, April 2003 ISBN 0596005164. 
·        The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System. Marshall Kirk McKusick and George V. Neville-Neil. Pearson Education. ISBN 0201702452. Expected availability August 2004. 
·        The FreeBSD Corporate Networkers Guide. Ted Mittelstaedt. Addison-Wesley, December 2000. Paperback, book & CD edition, 401 pages. ISBN 0201704811. 
系統時間:2024-10-06 13:52:32
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