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作者:Raymond Gardner 一般的快速排序法(Quick Sort)都是用遞迴的方法寫成,這裡提供一個非遞迴的方法,以免資料多的時候造成堆疊不足.. < class="code"> /* Date last modified: 05-Jul-1997 */ /******************************************************************/ /* qsort.c -- Non-Recursive ANSI Quicksort function */ /* */ /* Public domain by Raymond Gardner, Englewood CO February 1991 */ /* */ /* Usage: */ /* qsort(base, nbr_elements, width_bytes, compare_function); */ /* void *base; */ /* size_t nbr_elements, width_bytes; */ /* int (*compare_function)(const void *, const void *); */ /* */ /* Sorts an array starting at base, of length nbr_elements, each */ /* element of size width_bytes, ordered via compare_function, */ /* which is called as (*compare_function)(ptr_to_element1, */ /* ptr_to_element2) and returns < 0 if element1 < element2, */ /* 0 if element1 = element2, > 0 if element1 > element2. */ /* Most refinements are due to R. Sedgewick. See "Implementing */ /* Quicksort Programs", Comm. ACM, Oct. 1978, and Corrigendum, */ /* Comm. ACM, June 1979. */ /******************************************************************/ #include < stddef.h > /* for size_t definition */ #include "snipsort.h" /* prototypes */ void qsort(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *)); void swap_chars(char *, char *, size_t); /* ** Compile with -DSWAP_INTS if your machine can access an int at an ** arbitrary location with reasonable efficiency. (Some machines ** cannot access an int at an odd address at all, so be careful.) */ #ifdef SWAP_INTS void swap_ints(char *, char *, size_t); #define SWAP(a, b) (swap_func((char *)(a), (char *)(b), width)) #else #define SWAP(a, b) (swap_chars((char *)(a), (char *)(b), size)) #endif #define COMP(a, b) ((*comp)((void *)(a), (void *)(b))) #define T 7 /* subfiles of T or fewer elements will */ /* be sorted by a simple insertion sort */ /* Note! T must be at least 3 */ void qsort(void *basep, size_t nelems, size_t size, int (*comp)(const void *, const void *)) { char *stack[40], **sp; /* stack and stack pointer */ char *i, *j, *limit; /* scan and limit pointers */ size_t thresh; /* size of T elements in bytes */ char *base; /* base pointer as char * */ #ifdef SWAP_INTS size_t width; /* width of array element */ void (*swap_func)(char *, char *, size_t); /* swap func pointer*/ width = size; /* save size for swap routine */ swap_func = swap_chars; /* choose swap function */ if ( size % sizeof(int) == 0 ) { /* size is multiple of ints */ width /= sizeof(int); /* set width in ints */ swap_func = swap_ints; /* use int swap function */ } #endif base = (char *)basep; /* set up char * base pointer */ thresh = T * size; /* init threshold */ sp = stack; /* init stack pointer */ limit = base nelems * size;/* pointer past end of array */ for ( ;; ) { /* repeat until break... */ if ( limit - base > thresh ) { /* if more than T elements */ /* swap base with middle */ SWAP((((limit-base)/size)/2)*size base, base); i = base size; /* i scans left to right */ j = limit - size; /* j scans right to left */ if ( COMP(i, j) > 0 ) /* Sedgewick's */ SWAP(i, j); /* three-element sort */ if ( COMP(base, j) > 0 ) /* sets things up */ SWAP(base, j); /* so that */ if ( COMP(i, base) > 0 ) /* *i <= *base <= *j */ SWAP(i, base); /* *base is pivot element */ for ( ;; ) { /* loop until break */ do /* move i right */ i = size; /* until *i >= pivot */ while ( COMP(i, base) < 0 ); do /* move j left */ j -= size; /* until *j <= pivot */ while ( COMP(j, base) > 0 ); if ( i > j ) /* if pointers crossed */ break; /* break loop */ SWAP(i, j); /* else swap elements, keep scanning*/ } SWAP(base, j); /* move pivot into correct place */ if ( j - base > limit - i ) { /* if left subfile larger */ sp[0] = base; /* stack left subfile base */ sp[1] = j; /* and limit */ base = i; /* sort the right subfile */ } else { /* else right subfile larger*/ sp[0] = i; /* stack right subfile base */ sp[1] = limit; /* and limit */ limit = j; /* sort the left subfile */ } sp = 2; /* increment stack pointer */ } else { /* else subfile is small, use insertion sort */ for ( j = base, i = j size; i < limit; j = i, i = size ) for ( ; COMP(j, j size) > 0; j -= size ) { SWAP(j, j size); if ( j == base ) break; } if ( sp != stack ) { /* if any entries on stack */ sp -= 2; /* pop the base and limit */ base = sp[0]; limit = sp[1]; } else /* else stack empty, done */ break; } } } /* ** swap nbytes between a and b */ static void swap_chars(char *a, char *b, size_t nbytes) { char tmp; do { tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } while ( --nbytes ); } #ifdef SWAP_INTS /* ** swap nints between a and b */ static void swap_ints(char *ap, char *bp, size_t nints) { int *a = (int *)ap, *b = (int *)bp; int tmp; do { tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } while ( --nints ); } #endif 聯盟----Visita網站http://www.vista.org.tw ---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章 ]--- 發表人 - axsoft 於 2002/12/11 18:36:17
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