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Delphi6 dbExpress Informix 9.2.1 Driver(適用各版)



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2002-09-14 12:42:23 IP:61.219.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
Delphi 6 Informix Installation Release Notes ============================================================ This file contains important supplementary and late-breaking information that may not appear in the main product documentation, and supersedes information contained in other documents, including previously installed release notes, that accompany this product. We recommend that you read this file in its entirety. IMPORTANT: Delphi 6 must be closed before installing this update. ============================================================ CONTENTS * WHAT'S NEW/GENERAL NOTES * FILES INSTALLED BY THIS UPDATE PACK * RESOURCE NEWS * HELP UPDATES ============================================================ WHAT'S NEW/GENERAL NOTES The new Informix driver (dbexpinf.dll) has been tested with Informix version 9.2.1. Informix BLOB/CLOB fields ------------------------- A new global variable, InformixLob, is available to allow you to work with Informix BLOB and CLOB fields. The variable is required because Informix BLOB (fldBLOB, fldstHBINARY) and CLOB (fldBLOB, fldstHMEMO) fields are mapped as ftOraBlob and ftOraClob, respectively, and the DataSnap resolver performs special query generation when resolving Oracle BLOB/CLOB fields, but not when resolving Informix BLOB/CLOBs. To address this issue, set InformixLob to True when using Informix BLOB/CLOBs, and switch it back to False (the default) when using Oracle BLOB/CLOBs. Informix ini file information ----------------------------- Please add the following line under the [Installed Drivers] section in your dbxdrivers file. Informix=1 and the following sections in dbxdrivers: [Informix] GetDriverFunc=getSQLDriverINFORMIX LibraryName=dbexpinf.dll VendorLib=isqlb09a.dll HostName=ServerName Database=Database Name User_Name=user Password=password BlobSize=-1 ErrorResourceFile= LocaleCode=0000 Informix TransIsolation=ReadCommited [Informix TransIsolation] DirtyRead=0 ReadCommited=1 RepeatableRead=2 ============================================================ FILES INSTALLED BY THIS UPDATE PACK This self-extracting, self-executing Update Pack refreshes the following files in your current Delphi 6 installation: \bin\dbexpinf.dll \lib\dbexpinf.lib ============================================================ RESOURCE NEWS A quick-start tutorial for ActionBands (Enterprise and Professional editions only) and a set of ActionBand components that make menus and toolbars look like OfficeXP components are now available at Senior Engineer Steve Trefethen's site at http://www.geocities.com/delphihelp. The site also offers tutorials, links, and information-- including a review and screen shots of Code Completion features --for users of all editions and all levels of expertise. Note: This GeoCities-hosted site is not accessible in all countries. If you are not able to access the site, try Steve's secondary site at http://homepages.borland.com/strefethen. For a list of other Delphi and Borland resources, see the main product README file, located at the root of your Delphi 6 installation directory. ============================================================ HELP UPDATES Updated Help files are not installed with this product patch. Help updates are available for separate download at http:/www.borland.com/techpubs/delphi. Help build dates are noted on the download pages. To check your Help build date, open Delphi6.hlp and choose Help|Version. HELP NOTES ------------------------------ * After installing updated Help on Windows 95, 98, or ME systems, delete the updated DELPHI6.OHI file in your /Delphi6/Help folder, and copy DELPHI6.OHX to DELPHI6.OHI. The replacement OHI will allow you to view a limited Index. For more on the Index limitation imposed by the WinHelp engine on 95/98/ME systems, see the README file at the root of your Delphi 6 installation directory. * If you receive an "Unable to display Find tab" message when attempting to generate a full-text search in Help, close Help, remove all *.fts files in your \WINNT\Help (or \Windows\Help) directory, remove all *.gid (hidden index files) and *.f?? files in your \CBuilder6\Help directory, then restart Help and run full-text search again. Background: WinHelp automatically generates *.gid and *.f?? files when you run Help or when you run a full- text search. If Help components are updated or added, existing copies of these files can cause indexing problems. Removing the auto-generated files allows regeneration of indexes and positional information when Help is rerun. * Bookmarks and annotations are specific to a current Help set, and are not preserved when a new Help file is installed. * On the VCL hierarchy chart provided with your Delphi 6 main product, TWebContainedComponent appears to descend from TIBTimer. It actually descends from TComponent. * Other Help system notes and issues are described in detail in the main product README file, located at the root of your Delphi 6 installation directory. ============================================================ Copyright (c) 2002 Borland Software Corporation. All rights reserved. P.S:無法連結下載時請告知站長! ~~~Delphi K.Top討論區站長~~~
~~~Delphi K.Top討論區站長~~~
系統時間:2024-09-17 13:51:56
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