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Delphi for .NET Samples



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「Delphi for .NET Samples」

資料來源:http://dotnet.borland.com/ This web site provides sample applications for the Delphi for .NET preview compiler. These sample aplications are produced by members of the Borland community, and Borland staff. Delphi 7 includes the Delphi for .NET Preview compiler. Additional information on the .NET preview compiler can be found in this BDN article. For ASP.NET sample applications, you can look at the article Using Delphi as a script language for ASP.NET.

Sample Delphi for .NET applications

       Information                         Download
Automatic Column Sizing                   AutoColSize.zip (14K) 
Simple Temperature Conversion Application ConvertIt.zip (18K) 
Complete ConvertIt app for .NET           ConvertItDotNet.zip (19K) 
DebugMe                                   DebugMe.zip (5K) 
Digger for .NET                           Digger.zip (69K) 
Expression Compiler                       Dynamic.CIL.demo.zip (13K) 
GDI Brushes demo                          GDIBrushesDemo.zip (14K) 
GDI Rotate demo                           GDIRotateDemo.zip (5K) 
Infinite Progress                         InfiniteProgress.zip (7K) 
Isometric                                 Isometric.zip (283K) 
Master/Detail grid                        MasDetGrid.zip (7K) 
Print Preview in Delphi for .NET          PrintPreview.zip (14K) 
Property Grid                             PropGrid.zip (8K) 
C# Scripting in Delphi for .NET           Script2.zip (20K) 
Simple Data Grid                          SimpleDatagrid.zip (6K) 
Snake Game                                Snake.zip (17K) 
Stack Trace Me                            StackTraceMe.zip (6K) 
WinTalk                                   WinTalk.zip (15K) 
If you have sample applications you would like to have added to this site, please email John Kaster. As soon as possible, this submission process will be automated. Until that time, if you want to provide a sample application, you must include: everything required to recompile the sample application All source code All images Any other external files or build files and a readme file that is either text or HTML. Images are allowed Thanks! 聯盟----Visita網站http://www.vista.org.tw ---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章 ]--- 發表人 - axsoft 於 2002/09/03 09:09:18
系統時間:2024-07-01 9:51:05
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