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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-08-29 10:34:26 IP:211.79.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
我在 http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?topic_id=41144 這一篇看到可以在delphi中例外啟動利一個程式的用法ShellExecute 可是我在實做時,似乎沒這麼簡單, 請問要uses哪些檔案 還有ShellExecute語法請教導一下....感謝


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-08-29 10:54:48 IP:220.139.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
Uses ShellAPI; if you need help ,see Windows SDK (Included in Help System)  
HINSTANCE ShellExecute(        HWND hwnd,        // handle to parent window
    LPCTSTR lpOperation,        // pointer to string that specifies operation to perform
    LPCTSTR lpFile,        // pointer to filename or folder name string
    LPCTSTR lpParameters,        // pointer to string that specifies executable-file parameters 
    LPCTSTR lpDirectory,        // pointer to string that specifies default directory
    INT nShowCmd         // whether file is shown when opened
 Parameters    hwnd    Specifies a parent window. This window receives any message boxes that an application produces. For example, an application may report an error by producing a message box.    lpOperation    Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the operation to perform. The following operation strings are valid:    String        Meaning
"open"        The function opens the file specified by lpFile. The file can be an executable file or a document file. The file can be a folder to open.
"print"        The function prints the file specified by lpFile. The file should be a document file. If the file is an executable file, the function opens the file, as if "open" had been specified.
"explore"        The function explores the folder specified by lpFile. 
     The lpOperation parameter can be NULL. In that case, the function opens the file specified by lpFile.     lpFile    Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the file to open or print or the folder to open or explore. The function can open an executable file or a document file. The function can print a document file.     lpParameters    If lpFile specifies an executable file, lpParameters is a pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies parameters to be passed to the application.
If lpFile specifies a document file, lpParameters should be NULL.     lpDirectory    Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the default directory.     nShowCmd    If lpFile specifies an executable file, nShowCmd specifies how the application is to be shown when it is opened.  This parameter can be one of the following values:     Value        Meaning
SW_HIDE        Hides the window and activates another window.
SW_MAXIMIZE        Maximizes the specified window.
SW_MINIMIZE        Minimizes the specified window and activates the next top-level window in the Z order.
SW_RESTORE        Activates and displays the window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when restoring a minimized window.
SW_SHOW        Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position. 
SW_SHOWDEFAULT        Sets the show state based on the SW_ flag specified in the STARTUPINFO structure passed to the CreateProcess function by the program that started the application. An application should call ShowWindow with this flag to set the initial show state of its main window.
SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED        Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window.
SW_SHOWMINIMIZED        Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window.
SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE        Displays the window as a minimized window. The active window remains active.
SW_SHOWNA        Displays the window in its current state. The active window remains active.
SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE        Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The active window remains active.
SW_SHOWNORMAL        Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when displaying the window for the first time.
     If lpFile specifies a document file, nShowCmd should be zero.          Return Values    If the function succeeds, the return value is the instance handle of the application that was run, or the handle of a dynamic data exchange (DDE) server application.
If the function fails, the return value is an error value that is less than or equal to 32. The following table lists these error values:    Value        Meaning
0        The operating system is out of memory or resources.
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND        The specified file was not found.
ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND        The specified path was not found.
ERROR_BAD_FORMAT        The .EXE file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image).
SE_ERR_ACCESSDENIED        The operating system denied access to the specified file. 
SE_ERR_ASSOCINCOMPLETE        The filename association is incomplete or invalid.
SE_ERR_DDEBUSY        The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed.
SE_ERR_DDEFAIL        The DDE transaction failed.
SE_ERR_DDETIMEOUT        The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out.
SE_ERR_DLLNOTFOUND        The specified dynamic-link library was not found. 
SE_ERR_FNF        The specified file was not found. 
SE_ERR_NOASSOC        There is no application associated with the given filename extension.
SE_ERR_OOM        There was not enough memory to complete the operation.
SE_ERR_PNF        The specified path was not found.
SE_ERR_SHARE        A sharing violation occurred.
     Remarks    The file specified by the lpFile parameter can be a document file or an executable file. If the file is a document file, the ShellExecute function opens or prints it, depending on the value of the lpOperation parameter. If the file is an executable file, the ShellExecute function opens it, even if lpOperation specifies printing. 
You can use ShellExecute to open or explore a shell folder. To open a folder, use either of the following calls:    ShellExecute(handle, NULL, path_to_folder, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);    or
      ShellExecute(handle, "open", path_to_folder, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
      To explore a folder, use the following call:    ShellExecute(handle, "explore", path_to_folder, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
      If lpOperation is NULL, the function opens the file specified by lpFile. If lpOperation is "open" or "explore", the function will force an open window or explorer.    See Also    FindExecutable, ShellExecuteEx  
混心雜欲 棄修身~唉


#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-08-29 12:10:00 IP:211.79.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
在下英文不太好 不過謝謝你的回答 我也找到相關中文網頁 http://www.dev.idv.tw/wp/index.php?p=140 謝謝你嚕
系統時間:2024-10-01 14:01:12
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