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Xaudio SDK (做mp3播放用)



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Xaudio Software Developer's Kit Release 3.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License All files in this SDK are © 1996-1998 MpegTV, LLC. This SDK comes with an evaluation copy of the libraries. MpegTV grants the right to use the documentation and libraries for evaluation and development purposes, but these cannot be used in a released product or redistributed in any way. Redistribution or use in a product requires a separate license. Read the LICENSE AGREEMENT before you use the SDK. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software Distribution The Xaudio SDK distribution contains 4 directories doc Contains the HTML documentation and illustrations. See the Documentation section for more details. include Contains the C/C include files for C/C developers. lib Contains the libraries that implement the decoding engine and other features. UNIX platforms: There is one library file: libxaudio.a WINDOWS platforms: For C/C there are 5 versions of the library: dynamic: This directory contains 2 files: xaudio.lib: the small 'stub' library that you need to link with when you want to use the DLL from a C/C project xaudio.dll: the dynamic library itself. static: This directory contains 4 subdirectories. Each of these 4 subdirectories contains a different version the library file, xaudio.lib. These 4 versions have all the same features. The only difference is which C runtime libraries they use. This is for Visual C projects where an option of a project is the choice of the C runtime library (Project->Settings->C/C ->Code-Generation). MT: contains the file for the MULTITHREADED C-Runtime library. MTD: contains the file for the DEBUG MULTITHREADED C-Runtime library. MTDLL: contains the file for the MULTITHREADED DLL C-Runtime library. MTDLLD: contains the file for the DEBUG MULTITHREADED DLL C-Runtime library. For Delphi, there are 3 files needed: delphi: This directory contains a Delphi component that you can add to your Delphi packages. See the Platform Specific section about Delphi for details on how to use the component. XaudioPlayer.pas: the component XaudioPlayer.dcr: the resource file for the component. samples This directory contains several sample code files, to show how to use the different features of the SDK, from different programming languages. The samples are divided into to categories: the samples for the SYNC API (sync directory) and the samples for the ASYNC API (async directory). async/MFC (WINDOWS only) Shows how to use the Xaudio ASYNC API in simple GUI program written as an MFC application in Visual C async/delphi (WINDOWS only) Shows how to use the Xaudio ASYNC API from a GUI program written as a Delphi application. async/motif (UNIX only) Shows how to use the Xaudio ASYNC API in a simple GUI program written as an X-Windows/Motif application. async/perl (UNIX only) Shows how to use the PERL language to remote control the 'rxaudio' binary. sync/cmdline (WINDOWS and UNIX) Shows how to use the Xaudio SYNC API, in a simple command line program sync/memory (WINDOWS and UNIX) Shows how to use the Xaudio SYNC API with a memory based input source (instead of a file), and output to a memory buffer. sync/rawout (WINDOWS and UNIX) Shows how to use the Xaudio SYNC API, reading from a normal file or URL, and storing the output samples in a memory buffer instead of sending them directly to the sound card. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation SDK Overview ASYNC API Command Messages Notification Messages SYNC API Input/Output Modules Data Structures Error Codes Misc Platform Specific Notes (Windows/Unix/MacOS/DOS)
系統時間:2024-07-01 21:14:08
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