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http://bonanzas.rinet.ru/ KOL is COOL 2001/5/15(update 2001/6/13) Li Wensong, All rights reserved. 最酷的程式師用KOL by Superpage 前言 VCL 庫是Delphi程式師熟知的,她幾乎成了Delphi RAD技術的代言人。 VCL擁有世界上最大最豐富的控制項資源涵蓋了軟體發展的各個方面,遠遠超過其他開發工具,是每個程式師所垂涎。VCL的優點不再多說,現在我要向各位Delphi兄弟介紹另一套Delphi上的類庫:KOL。 KOL是什麽? KOL - Key Objects Library is a set of objects to develop power 32 bit Windows GUI applications using Delphi. It is distributed free of charge, with source code. Delphi2, Delphi3, Delphi4 and Delphi5 are supported. KOL allows to create very compact GUI applications (starting from ~13,5K without compression - if suggested system units replacement used). The most of code is converted to built-in assembler. Help generating tool xHelpGen is provided for KOL, which creates detailed documentation in html format. Documentation is generated on base of comments from the source, so developers instantly have access to the most fresh and complete documentation. Programming for was totally non-visual earlier, but with opening project MCK (Mirror Classes Kit), all advantages of visual programming become available for developers who use KOL. Starting from April, 2001 the unit KOLEdb provided, which allows to create tiny (but power) database applications starting from 24K of executable size. It uses OLE DB protocol, so any database can be supported, including network database. (以上這段摘自KOL的主頁)
附加檔案:42436_KOL is COOL.doc
系統時間:2024-07-03 6:15:06
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