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歐洲Open Sourse發展受到威脅??!



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2003-08-27 19:09:19 IP:61.218.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
今天在逛網時看到幾個Open sourse網站都有如此一篇消息: 有興趣的可以到 http://www.php.net/ 與 http://www.apache.org PHP.NET: http://www.php.net/ European Open Source Development Threatened! [27-Aug-2003] Today sees an international day of protest against the move by the EU to make obtaining a patent easier within Europe. Such patents may cause Open Source software such as PHP to infringe on existing licenses and new ones, meaning we would no longer be safe to distribute PHP within Europe. Contact your EU Representative to get this cruicial vote blocked. Find out more at the campaign website . Apache.org: http://www.apache.org/ Important notice On September 1st the European Commission is going to vote a revised version of the European Patentability rules. The proposed revision contains a set of serious challenges to Open Source development since regulation regarding software patents will be broadly extended and might forbid independent development of innovative (Open Source and not) software-based solutions. The European Open Source community is very concerned about the upcoming new regulation and has organized a demo protest for August 27, asking Open Source supporting sites to change their home pages to let everyone know what is going on at the European Parliament. The Apache Software Foundation has decided to support this initiative, and this is why you are seeing this page. For further information please see http://swpat.ffii.org and http://petition.eurolinux.org. You will be redirected automatically to the Apache homepage in 60 seconds (or continue on to www.apache.org). 學習,從分享開始^^
系統時間:2024-07-03 8:17:19
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