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Safe Disk 2生世之謎大公開



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-04-17 20:32:24 IP:218.175.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
原始來源 不太知道 所以沒po上 知道的po一下 以下是解說safe disk 2的原文 (感謝ck阿強提供) Cdrtimes has been formulating a list of CD Readers/writers that are supposedly capable of producing working Backups of SafeDisk 2 protected CD愀. This information has been supplied by various people and cdrtimes can not at this time confirm the information, but would welcome any feed back from owners of these drives, or owners of drives not mentioned in this Article as to there results. Please use the submit your SD2 results link on the sites main page This from Olli himself regarding the new safedisk 2 protection. "...SD2 is a very interesting beast, as some of you already know. Sometimes a copy works only in the CD-Writer, sometimes not at all. Sometimes - depending on the writer used - in any CD-ROM. Some people claim, that they had success with other burning software. Let me explain, what the reason for all this might be. (I say "might be", as the information here is just revealed through observation, but I believe I am at least pretty close) The first funny thing is, that if a SD2 copy doesn't play in a CD-ROM, this copy has additional bad sectors, which weren't on the original. As CloneCD reads and writes "as is!", I would have assumed, this is simply impossible. So, if you are a curious guy, you can look at these sectors on the original CD (where they are readable). You will find a lot of garbage on the first view. But if you run these sectors through a sector scrambler (a device, which is in every CD-ROM and CD-WRITER) you see the reason for all the trouble: Regular patterns like 'XYXYXYXYXY...' and so forth. And this is exactly how the protection works. To understand this, you need to know, what the scrambler is used for (from ECMA-130, ISO/IEC 10149): "A regular bit pattern fed into the EFM encoder can cause large values of the digital sum value in case the merging bits cannot reduce this value. The scrambler reduces this risk by converting the bits in byte 12 to 2351 of a Sector in a prediscribed way. ..." The sectors I have mentioned above try in fact to overload the EFM encoder of the CD-Writer, because *AFTER* passing the scrambler the poor device has to write *REGULAR BIT PATTERNS* - something it really doesn't like. After some quick tests, it seems, that some writers are affected by this problem more than others. For example, writers based on Philips hardware (Philips, Fujitsu/Siemens, Acer, just to name a few) are NOT affected by this at all. With such a writer, you can copy SD2 with any CloneCD version, and the copy will run on every CD-ROM. Most other writers will not write these sectors correctly. Some writers (Plextor) can at least read the copy they've made, so the copy will run in the writer, but not in an ordinary CD-ROM. The reason for this might be, that the writer is able to position better, but this is just guess. I must admit, this is a very, very cool protection: Something is on the original which can be read, and not be written. I really didn't believe such a protection is possible. Now for the interesting question: Will CloneCD ever be able to overcome this problem? Well, you can answer this yourself: I guess not. Okay, you can probably do nasty tricks like modifying the pattern. But this isn't what CloneCD is about. It is called CloneCD, not PatchCD. In opposite to the belief of some people, CloneCD does not cheat or modify data in any way. I like to keep it this way. Will any other software overcome this problem? Again, you can answer this yourself: No, unless they are cheating somehow. Can a firmware update fix this? Maybe. But I have the strange feeling, that the problem resides in the writer's chipset, not its firmware. Maybe a firmware workaround would be possible. But who would be so nice to modify the firmware in this regard? Conclusion: Either use your Plextor writer to play the copy, or buy a unit based on Philips hardware (Philips PCRW804, ACER 4432 for example..." There seems to be a little confusion as to what is safedisk 2 and what isnt,use these two ways to identify if you have a SD2 title, that way you can know for sure that you have 100 % compatible hardware, if you could verify this before submitting your hardware it would help us out no end. With the game in your cdrom,open Windows Explorer. Make sure the option show all files is enabled. Click on the game directory, you should see two tmp. files. They are numbered 00000001.tmp and 00000002.tmp.Also the file Clokspl.is missing from Safedisc2,it is present on earlier versions of Safedisc. Here is another way to confirm if the disc you are trying to copy is SD2 protected. safedisk 2 can also be differentiated from safedisc 1 by looking for the *.icd file. for example if the name of a safedisc 1 exe is tzar.exe there would also be a tzar.icd file. this is not true for SD2. since the icd is integrated into the exe. 以下?解說safe disk 2翻譯版 (感謝Ash翻譯) 這幾天發現有這個燒錄討論版,發現很多人在討論如何燒protected by safedisc2的光碟, 真的是看到一堆的奇怪燒錄方法,在這我要告訴大家,能不能完整備份safedisc2的光碟與 你所用的燒錄軟體無關,原因是出於燒錄機上的控制晶片,因此大家不要再用blindread NERO 等方式來燒了,這只會讓你增加更多飛盤而已....我在這來簡述一下SD2的原理,及?何cloneCD Blindsuit 兩大超強軟體都對它沒輒~~~ SAFEDISC 2的原理: safedisc version 2 承襲version 1的共點就是在光碟上做跳躍式的連續壞軌 讓光碟機無法讀取這些sector(其實這些壞軌的資料全都是5),而遊戲執行檔會檢查 這些壞軌,若無壞軌則判定?illegal disc ,safedisc2(以下稱SD2)也跟version 1 一樣會檢查壞軌,而且更嚴格,壞軌的地方及數量都要與原定的相同才算通過,但只是 如此更本難不倒cloneCD配合現今優良的燒錄機以DAO或SAO RAW mode寫入,那問題在 那呢??何還是燒不出呢?...我來大略說明一下: 燒錄機在寫入資料前,燒錄軟體會先送出instruction給燒錄機,告訴燒錄機接下來要 用什?方式來寫入資料,之後再送資料給燒錄機,燒錄機再將datas write on disc 而這些燒錄指令都是特定的一些OP code,SD2就是利用這個地方來作防拷光碟,方法 很簡單,你也可以自己做SD2的光碟,它的原理就是在光碟的資料軌上儲存一些燒錄機 所用到的Instruction,大約是放在各sector的末端,當燒錄軟體讀取這些sector上的 資料後將其送到燒錄機的chipset,chipset解碼後便控制雷射頭寫入資料到disc上, 但有趣的事情來啦,因?這些datas中居然暗藏燒錄機用來控制光學讀寫頭的指令 ,燒錄機上的晶片收到datas後將其誤認?是真的Instruction而命令雷射頭做出其指示 的動作,而依我的觀察這些指令是將這一sector的尾端到下一sector的開端寫入一些廢 物資料,原本sector的開頭是記錄著此sector的編號,如今已經被破壞了,各sector的EDC碼 也與原來的不一樣,EDC都會變成0,這時原本這常的sector被你燒錄機燒進後都已經變成壞 軌了,所以當你用光碟機玩backup CD時,光碟機依TOC到特定的sector讀取資料,但這些sector 的編號欄位元已經被寫入廢資料,之後你的光碟機就會找不到資料而LOCK在那好像不會動, 但你會問,?什?燒錄機和DVD可以玩這些backup CD呢?這是因?燒錄機&DVD讀資料的方式 與CD-ROM不同,燒錄機是以算frame位移的方式來讀取sector上的資料,它不是去讀sector的 編號欄,所以它能讀到所要的資料...,SD2的騙術是可以用軟體將它視破的,但是?什?clonCD 不出個新版的將SD2幹掉呢?...因?要修正SD2所造成的錯誤,cloneCD就要對其image檔做修改 但這樣backup CD便與original CD不一樣了,也就是失去了cloneCD的clone之意義,而且此舉有 可能讓遊戲商有機會告cloneCD的作著... 有些燒錄機可以成功地備份SD2的光碟是因?其燒錄機會把指令流與資料流分離,因此 此可以燒SD2的光碟,那除了PLEXTOR R820T外還有那台可以燒呢?...最近PHILIP不是出什? 雙晶片神話的燒錄機嗎?...其不是號稱一個晶片處理資料流,另一晶片處理指令流以達燒錄 的正確性嗎?...要SD2的話就找他吧...... 支援燒錄safe disk 2的燒錄機和必備韌體 以下的燒錄機經站長證實過,下列飛利浦全系列和plextor 820和巨集棋 8432可完全燒錄sd2 且可完全讀取於任何光碟機,燒錄機上... 站長沒那?多下列燒錄機,剩下的就留給大家去證實....... Artec CD-RW WPA28 (not yet confirmed) Philips 以下所有燒錄機接支援拷貝 safe disk 2 的功能 且任何光碟機皆可讀取 800 Series internal IDE 8x4x3 Philips CDD4401-31 (E118405) IDE-CD R/RW 4x4x32 Firmware 1.4b Philips CDD4801 Firmware 2.0 Philips PCRW804K Firmware 2.0 Philips CDD3801 CD-R/RW Firmware 1.6 Philips CDD4201 Fujitsu-Siemens Fujitsu-Siemens Spinbird 4x4x32x Firmware 1.4b Fujitsu-Siemens Spinbird 8x4x32x Firmware 2.0 ACER Acer 4432 Acer 8432a 8 MB buffer Firmware 5.1V (confirmed to read in drives other than the recorder) Acer 8432ia 8 MB buffer Firmware 5BX (confirmed to read in drives other than the recorder) Plextor Plextor 8/2/20 Firmware 1.04 ( Confirmed to read in drives other than the recorder ) Plexwriter 8/4/32 ide Firmware 1.7 Plexwriter 12/10/32 A Firmware 1.7 (various results) Plexwriter 8/20 Firmware 1.7 (plays in any cd-rom.) Plexwriter 12/4/32scsi (Only readable with the recorder) Waitec Waitec 8x4x32 (Only readable with the recorder) Waitec 3244 (Confirmed to read in drives other than the recorder) Waitec 2444 (Confirmed to read in drives other than the recorder) Iomega Iomega 8432 Firmware 1.1 Ricoh Ricoh 6200 Firmware 2.40 (not yet confirmed) Ricoh MP- 7083A (Confirmed to read in drives other than the recorder) Ricoh 7060A Firmware 1.70 (Confirmed to read in drives other than the recorder) Yamaha Yamaha 2100E (Confirmed to read in drives other than the recorder when drive is used to read and write the CD) Sony (no confirmed reports .) Traxdata CD-RW 8432 Plus (Confirmed to read in drives other than the recorder) CD-RW 4432 Plus (Confirmed to read in drives other than the recorder) CD-RW 4424 Plus (Confirmed to read in drives other than the recorder)
系統時間:2024-07-03 5:53:06
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