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AIM ReportFactory Pro (V2.0 D5)



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名稱:AIM ReportFactory Pro 版本:V2.0 原始程式:需購買或註冊 註冊網址 適用:(D5) 版權種類:分享軟體(Shareware) 作者:Christian Troger 原創公司:AIM Software GmbH 出處網址:http://www.aim-sw.com 說明: The new AIM ReportFactory enables you to integrate a completely object-oriented reporting interface, featuring Drag&Drop, into your own products. Alleviate your users from using SQL for the creation of reports and eliminate the necessity of supplying a database interface.
By using the AIM ReportFactory the troublesome separation between a report designer, a report viewer and a print preview becomes dispensable. The WYSIWYG interface of the AIM ReportFactory allows you to display published properties and data of your objects directly in dynamic reports, without the regress to databases, tables or arrays. By doing so you have the complete set of features and user-friendliness of a desktop publishing program at your disposal for displaying, reporting and printing data from within your application.
The reports are dynamic and adjust automatically to changes in the data of your objects. See charts and grid data move as you manipulate your objects at any place in your application. This component merges the power of a word processor and a spreadsheet environment with the flexibility of a report designer. Experience this revolutionary new approach of reporting and supply your users with the following features:
  • dynamic reports that update automatically
  • powerful grids for displaying hierarchies and data
  • full charting integration
  • print; save; load; display
  • export to Word, WMF
  • import of images
  • Report Inspector for manipulating the display of object dependencies
  • Object Inspector for editing the properties of the report components
  • and lots more

The pro version in addition offers:
  • export to MSPowerPoint, HTML and MSExcel
  • batching of reports on the base of templates
  • formulas in the grids of the report
  • features to adapt the report GUI to your needs
  • multilanguage support
  • source code option
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